Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!


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“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – July 31, 2021

09:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment

“RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK” w/ George Kessinger re: “Crazy Mel’s Burgers & Bar”. 166 N. Palm Cyn., Dr., P.S. CA.
– REPORT on sitting INSIDE Crazy Mel’s and the comfort level.
– REPORT on the great location, straight East from “Forever Marilyn”. The ONLY restaurant w/ a straight view of “Forever Marilyn”.
– REPORT that they are open every day but Tuesday. Mondays and Wednesdays they close @ 4.
– REPORT on @ 11 AM every day. Close @ 8 PM except on the weekend, stay open as long as folks are there.
– REPORT on the full-service bar; alcohol-free beers and “soon to be” alcohol-free wine.
– REPORT on the food; 2 spicy burgers: “Some like it Hot” and the California Spicy Burger and the new spicy green beans. The “hamburger” is a combination of ribs, brisket and chuck. YUM!!!!! Gluten-free bun is available also.
– REPORT on the breakfast offerings. Served up to 1 PM.
– REPORT that take out is still available.
(760) 656-7563)


Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment “The Medicine Cabinet” Segment – July 31, 2021

09:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment “The Medicine Cabinet”

DESERT OASIS HEALTHCARE w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– REPORT that we are in our 73rd week of Pandemic.
– REPORT that the stats in the Desert are in the 3rd SURGE. WE ARE BACK IN THE RED TIER!!! Hospitals are filling up w/ 95% UNVACCINATED COVID-19 patients. Mostly the Delta Variant.
– REPORT that all will probably have to mask, whether vaccinated or not.
– REPORT that if you ARE vaccinated you 1. Will not get seriously ill. 2. Will not get hospitalized. 3. Will not get dead.
– REPORT that if you ARE vaccinated out in public and indoors, WEAR A MASK.
– REPORT that the Delta Variant is the predominate virus now. Very dangerous and frightening.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. has issued a mandatory vaccination edict to all the employees, staff, etc.
– REPORT that 10% of people who HAD covid, have no antibodies. People in Israel who have been vaccinated are being infected w/ the Delta Variant.
– REPORT that you get better protection from the Vaccine than having had the virus.
– DISCUSSION of what other virus are in our future. Next variant will be more contagious, more lethal.
– REPORT that half of Americans are NOT vaccinated.
– QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals”
1. Can you get a break-thru infection if you are vaccinated? (Yes, because the vaccine is 95% effective, so 5% of folks can STILL get infected.)
2. What are the long-term effects of the virus on our eyes? (Long term issues are possible if you already have ‘eye’ issues. Can impact ALL systems in the body).
– REPORT that D.O.H.C.’s clinics are open 8 AM to 4 PM Mon. – Friday @ P.S. & Indio. D.O.H.C.’s clinic in Yucca Valley is open every Thursday.
– REPORT that if you feel ill – GET TESTED!!!
(760) 969-6555)


cont. Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment – July 31, 2021

09:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals”
1. What is a grandmother neuron? (That part of the brain that “lights up” when you see your Grandmother, etc. Fascinating and works in just one part of our brains, studying how/why to transfer it).
2. Will COVID increase my chances of getting Alzheimers? (This is being studied. Just don’t know yet. i.e. some times traumatic MEDICAL events can increase your chances.)
3. Why is Palm Springs Waste Water testing higher for Covid? (Testing is done w/ waste water as an indicator as to the degree of infection of Covid in the community.)
4. What is in the nasal testing swab that folks “say” they are allergic to? (Absolutely NOTHING but cotton).
5. Is mitoribosome a new treatment for melanoma? (There are some wonderful new treatments for even stage 3 melanoma. Best therapy is sunscreen. All cancer deaths are way down.)
6. What is the “super bug” fungus? (We have lots of therapies for fungi, but this one seems to be immune to things like penicillin. But this one is rare.)
– REPORT on how to get a FREE Digital Back-up for your vaccine record. Go to www.myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov and sign up. You’ll quick a QR (quick response) Code on your phone.
(760) 969-6555)


Desert Health News Segment – July 31, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 1 – Desert Health News Segment

DESERT HEALTH NEWS w/ Lauren Del Sarto Founder and Publisher.
– REPORT on the survival of the publication during the Pandemic. She’s grateful for her supporters.
– REPORT on the mission statement: The Valley’s leading resource for health and wellness. Works w/ natural and traditional medicine/practitioners and hospitals.
– DISCUSSION of her attempt to be basically positive in her articles:
1. Anything is Possible. 2. Never Give Up.
– DISCUSSION of the research done by Microsoft on people coming out of the Pandemic. Folks don’t want to “settle”. Ready to do/try new things.
– DISCUSSION of the contents; medical, fitness, $2500. in coupons for readers, financial help, recipes, the farewell letter and recipes from Janet Zapala.
– REPORT on the Desert Events Section w/ the RETURN of many big events this fall season.
– REPORT on the 350 locations where you can get a copy. Printing 15,000 to 20,000 copies every two months.
(760) 238-0245)


Museum Segment – July 31, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 2 – Museum Segment

PALM SPRINGS ART MUSEUM w/ Scott Slaven re: Director of Marketing, Communications and Graphic Design. 101 N. Museum Dr., Palm Springs, CA. 92262.
– REPORT that masks are still required in the Museum.
1. Robert Longo’s “Storm of Hope: Law and Disorder”.
2. Agnes Pelton: Desert Transcendentalist – her 2 exhibitions will close on Sept., 5
3. Landscapes from the Collection of Mary Ingebrand- Pohlad. (one of the Museum’s trustees.)
4. “Contemporary Photography” from the Permanent Collection.
– DISCUSSION of how the art works are stored, protected and categorized.
– REPORT on the new CEO.
– REPORT that you still need to get your admission tickets on-line. FREE on Thurs., from 5 to 7 and get them on-line.


Act For MS/P.S. Air Museum/Waring International Piano Segment – July 31, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 3 – Act For MS/P.S. Air Museum/Waring International Piano Segment

ACT FOR MS w/ Ann Greer re: 73-710 Fred Waring Dr., Ste., # 118, Palm Desert, CA. 92260.
– REPORT on the live event “Marx on Marx” w/ Bill Marx and his nephew Greg, grandson of Gummo Marx. Raised a bit more than their goal. The event was sold out.
– REPORT on the need for donations for clients. Especially since gyms have been closed.
– DISCUSSION that several clients are home-bound and need circulation therapy. Act for MS sends therapist to the home.
– REPORT on events will be coming up in the Fall.
– REPORT that you have to be a resident and have a letter from a neurologist to be a client of Act For MS.
(760) 773-9806)

PALM SPRINGS AIR MUSEUM re:745 N. Gene Autry Tr., Palm Springs, CA. 92262.
– REPORT that the Museum will be closed Aug., 4 and 5th.
– All children 12 and under get in FREE w/ one paying adult thru the summer.
– REPORT that the Café is open now too.
– REPORT on the great gift shop.
– Warbird Rides available for $195. Book online for a ride in one of 2 P-51, (“Bunny” and “Man of War”) C-47, T28, T33 (jet).
– REPORT that the hangers are climate controlled.
– REPORT that money is being raised to go to the Air Races. Link on www.palmspringsairmuseum.org to donate.
(760) 778-6262)

VIRGINIA WARING INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION re: 73-710 Fred Waring Dr., #201, Palm Desert, CA. 92260.
– REPORT that there will hopefully be a Grand Salon in November.
– REPORT on the Gala will be Feb., 7, 2022.
– REPORT that the VWIP Competition will come back in April 10 – 18, 2022. Expecting 25 contestants. City of Palm Desert is the Host Sponsor again and the events will be FREE thanks to the City of Palm Desert.
(760) 773-2575)


The Wheel Segment – July 31, 2021

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 1 – The Wheel Segment

– Passes for two up and down the Tram.
– REPORT on phases of remodeling going on.
– REPORT that the temperature is 40 degrees lower than the Desert Floor.
– REPORT on the new redone Museum (w/ an interactive video wall), Bar, Snack bar (is open), Peaks is not open yet.
– REPORT that the Tram will be closing Sept., 7 to Oct., 4 for yearly maintenance.
– REPORT on the upcoming Snow Guessing Contest AND PRIZES.
– DISCUSSION on the Dec., 5 Tree Lighting. Had a huge virtual audience last year (9,000 folks) vs. 200 in person.
(760) 325-1391)


SQUARED CONSTRUCTION w/ Oliver Torres – $500. credit from Oliver AND, after you have become a satisfied customer of Squared Construction, then you are eligible for a one-time referral fee of $500.
– REPORT on how their family business works.
– REPORT that they do one project @ a time.
– REPORT that people did a lot of remodeling during the Pandemic.
– DISCUSSION of the work they did on the old Riviera Hotel/new Margaritaville Hotel.
(760) 808-7550)


cont. The Wheel Segment – July 31, 2021

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 2 – R.C.P.M. Group Segment

A.C.T. TOURS – w/ Steve Kanold Gift certificate good towards a day trip or a deposit on an International A.C.T. tour from Steve (worth up to $200.)
– REPORT on his book signing “Globetrots, Why Didn’t You Tell Me there’d Be Walking On This Tour?” TODAY @ the ACT Office from 2 to 3:30 @ 555 S. Sunrise, Palm Springs. w/ a gift certificate of $50.
– $1695. Panama Canal for 15 days. Oct., 1 – 15, from L.A., 5 stops in Mexico, including airfare home w/ Royal Caribbean.
– Egypt in Sept.
– Mediterranean Cruise over Thanksgiving. For $1,995. Overnight in Rome, then the cruise.
– 2 trips to Africa.
– Cruise of the Mediterranean, Thanksgiving in Sicily.
– REPORT on Hamilton @ The Hollywood Pantages. ONLY a few seats left for the Matinee show on Dec., 26. $159. Including motor coach, no-host lunch. Seats are $159. Simon and Garfunkel Story tickets available too.
– 7.22 – Day Tour to the Del Coronado Hotel and a Harbor Cruise in San Diego.
– HOLD THE DATE; April, 2022 to New York Theatre.
– REPORT on Steve’s book “Globetrots, You didn’t tell me there’d be walking on this tour.” Get it @ Amazon, OR call ACT and get a signed copy and you’ll get gift certificate for tours @ ACT.
(760) 322-1247)


cont. The Wheel Segment – July 31, 2021

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 3 – cont. The Wheel Segment

REVIVALS DESIGN/CONSIGN/VOLUNTEER/SHOP w/ Mr. Community, Steven Henke – $500. gift certificate from Steven and Dane where everything you buy benefits www.daphealth.org.
– REPORT on the goings on @ Just Fabulous in Palm Springs.
– REPORT on the items @ all 4 Revivals Stores. Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Palm Desert and Indio.
– DISCUSSION of the mind set one needs to clean out closets etc.
(760) 318-6491)

BRADY SANDAHL REAL ESTATE GROUP/KELLER WILLIAMS w/ Dave Mecham – The listing co-ordinator re: 70005 Mirage Cove Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270. Reporting the Joey English Mystery Houses from Brady Sandahl Real Estate.
– MYSTERY HOUSE #1 – won by Siv Lim of D.H.S. $20. to Crazy Mel’s.
– MYSTERY HOUSE #2 – won by Mike Purdy of C.C. $20. to Crazy Mel’s.
– MYSTERY HOUSE #3 – won by Siv Lim of D.H.S. $20. to Crazy Mel’s.
(760) 656-6052)

Steven & Dave

MENTION – CV-FOG – $500. gift certificate toward services to sanitize & disinfect your entire home and/or office. Get rid of viruses, bacteria, germs & pathogens. Safe for adults, children, seniors & pets. Lasts 45 to 60 days. From Marc, (contact info: www.cv-fog.com or (760) 799-6361. Sound bite from Marc.
MENTION – MAXIMUM SECURITY – $1,500. Security system from Steve toward a new system or to upgrade an existing one. (contact info: www.maximumsecurity.info and (760) 770-0777).
MENTION – WHITEHEAD & ASSOCIATES – $500. gift certificate for para legal services from Gary Whitehead & Associates. Gary’s prices are a fraction of what you would pay for legal fees and are completely legitimate.
Save money on Small Claims Court, Evictions, Uncontested Divorces, Wills, Bankruptcies and so much more. www.sandiegoparalegal.net and (858) 705-9270.
MENTION LALO VISIONS – A 90-minute spiritual reading from Lalo (worth $95.) (contact info: www.lalovisions.com and (760) 401-1810).

– Passes for two up and down the Tram (contact info: www.pstramway.com and (760) 325-1391). Won by Janet P. of Cathedral City, CA.
– A.C.T. TOURS – Gift certificate good towards a day trip or a deposit on an International A.C.T. tour from Steve (worth up to $200.) (contact info: www.act-tours.com and (760) 322-1247). Won by Mike P. of Cathedral City, CA.
– LALO VISIONS – A 90-minute spiritual reading from Lalo (worth $95.) (contact info: www.lalovisions.com and (760) 401-1810). Won by Barbara P. of Palm Springs, CA.

chance to spin the Wheel for:
1. CV-FOG – $500. gift certificate toward services to sanitize & disinfect your entire home and/or office. Get rid of viruses, bacteria, germs & pathogens. Safe for adults, children, seniors & pets. Lasts 45 to 60 days. From Marc, (contact info: www.cv-fog.com or (760) 799-6361. Sound bite from Marc.
2. MAXIMUM SECURITY – $1,500. Security system from Steve toward a new system or to upgrade an existing one. (contact info: www.maximumsecurity.info and (760) 770-0777).
3. REVIVALS DESIGN/CONSIGN/VOLUNTEER/SHOP -$500. gift certificate from Steven and Dane where everything you buy benefits www.daphealth.org. (contact info: www.revivalsstores.com and (760) 318-6491). 4. SQUARED CONSTRUCTION – $500. credit from Oliver (contact info: www.squaredconst.com and (760) 808-7550). Sound bite from Oliver. AND, after you have become a satisfied customer of Squared Construction, then you are eligible for a one-time referral fee of $500. 5. WHITEHEAD & ASSOCIATES – $500. gift certificate for para legal services from Gary Whitehead & Associates. Gary’s prices are a fraction of what you would pay for legal fees and are completely legitimate.
Save money on Small Claims Court, Evictions, Uncontested Divorces, Wills, Bankruptcies and so much more. www.sandiegoparalegal.net and (858) 705-9270.
6. Cash, Cash, Cash. $100. Won by Elizabeth T. of Palm Desert, CA.


1. Lunch for 2 – Aspen Mills – Won by Janet P. of Cathedral City, CA.
2. $20. gift certificate to “849” – Won by Edie P. of Palm Desert, CA.
3. Elmers FREE breakfast, lunch or dinner – Won by Siv L. Desert Hot Springs, CA.
4. $20. gift certificate to “J.T.’s Diner” – Won by Barbara P. of Palm Springs, CA.
5. $30. gift certificate to “Maracas” – Won by Elizabeth T. or Palm Desert, CA.
6. $20. gift certificate to “Oscars” – Won by Michael P. of Cathedral City, CA.
7. $50. gift certificate to “Peaks” – Won by Barbara P. of Palm Springs, CA.

“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – July 24, 2021

09:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment

“RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK” w/ Willie Rhine re:
“849 Restaurant and Lounge”. 849 N. Palm Cyn., Dr., P.S. and “1501 Uptown GastroPub” 1501 N. Palm Cyn., Dr. (uptown).
– REPORT on the two restaurants. Willie thinks of “849” as his first “baby”. Loves the great views @ “1501” where he has partnered w/ Chad.
– DISCUSSION of whether or not there is a 3rd restaurant in the future.
– REPORT ON “849”.
1. Back to “normal” pretty much. Regular menu, back to great brunch.
2. Open 7 days a week.
3. Staff was eager to come back to work.
4. Catering is done exclusively out of “849”
5. New menu items; melon salad, grilled farm raised chicken caprese, new crème brulee w/ berries and gelato., etc.
– REPORT ON “1501”
1. Open 6 days a week, closed Monday.
2. Staff was eager to come back to work.
3. Not seating outside as much in the heat. Seating in the beautiful inside.
4. Can do wonderful private events. Can accommodate 100 folks.
5. Just opened for lunch this week.
6. New menu items; seared ahi salad, the fried chix sandwich, etc.
(760) 325-8490
(760) 320-1501)


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