December 2020 Appearances
#8. 12.31.2020 – Somewhat blurry, but “socially distant” photo of Roni, Ruta, Joey, Janice, and Steven…taken by host Marty. lol. Perfect blurry ending to 2020!!!!
#7. 12.25.2020 – Merry Christmas from the “Ex” Mrs. Claus!!!
#6. 12.24.2020 – Celebrating Roni’s bday w/ Ruta, Marty, Joey, Roni and Jim (taking photo).
#5. 1/22/1924 – 12/7/2020 – R.I.P. Arthur S. Newman, Jr…Desert Treasure, producer, former R. M. Councilman, philanthropist, Patty’s beloved husband and Paul’s brother.

Arthur S. Newman, Jr. 1/22/1924 – 12/7/2020
#4. 12/7/2015 – How different life was just 5 years ago. Lunch @ LuLu w/ Gypsy and Alfie Pettit. You can still en-joey LuLu’s take out menu!!!!
#3. 12/5 – Entertainment legend Tom Dreesen on the radio show AND as emcee for the “Act for MS” TV show Sat., 12/12 on Channel #2 @ 7 PM

Joey & Tom
#2. 12/4 – R.I.P. “Squiggy” from Laverne and Shirley, David Lander passed away from M.S. Watch the “Act for MS” gala on 12.12 on CBS Channel #2 @ 7 PM and donate in his memory.

David Lander “Squiggy” 6/22/1947 – 12/4/2020
#1. 12/4/42 – Remembering Chairman Richard M. Milanovich of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. “Through you, my ancient people, I am”.
November 2020 Appearances
8. 11.21 – More 75th BDay under the Desert Sky w/ D.O.H.C.’s Helene LeClair @ Flemings.
7. 11.19 – More birthday w/ fellow Scorpio “birthday boy” Marty Wiviott, (and Ruta and Roni) @ “849”.
6. 11.18 – Yes, more Birthday w/ Linda (and Fred Williamson) @ Maracas.
5. 11.17 – My 75th Natal day w/ son Tyler and Yucca Valley celebration w/ Lalo, Steve, Jim, Cindy and Lalo’s sister.
4. 11.11 – Veteran’s Day “Drive-Thru” Appreciation Lunch @ P.S. City Hall. 11 AM to 1 PM. Thank you for your service. God Bless America!!!
3. 11.8 – RIP Alex Trebec. 7.22.40 – 11.8.20. The answer is what is “we will miss you so”?

Alex Trebek 7/22/40 – 11/8/20
2. 11.8 – RIP Norm Crosby, 9.15,27 – 11.7.20. Last worked together in 2012. He “mangled words w/ great extinction”.

Norm Crosby 9/15/27 – 11/7/20
1. 11.7 – Palm Springs City Manager David Ready stops by the show to discuss his retirement.

October 2020 Appearances
6. 10.27 – DODGERS WIN THE WORLD SERIES!!!! Joey, Trev and Tyler wearing Dodger Blue!!!!
5. 10.18 – My Mother, Lucy, w/ Tyler and me in 2003 when she turned 90. She would be 107 today.
4. 10.16 – “Ruta’s Renegades”, Ruta Lee, Joey English, Roni Miller and now Margie @ LuLu’s.
3. 10.15 – “Joey Pal” and Spiritual Advisor Lalo Tachiquin blessing Joey’s new studio in the Historic Noia Building, right downtown Palm Springs. Hear him on the show too.

2. Dinner @ Willie Rhine’s “849” AND we’re INSIDE again w/ Jim Rider. Amazing cuisine.
1. Celebrating “Mr. Community’s” (Steven Henke’s) birthday @ “Elmers” w/ dessert AFTER the fabulous prime rib.
September 2020 Appearances
4. Remembering Earl Greenburg. Sept., 27, 1946 – Feb., 1, 2008.
3. Grandparent’s Day Sunday Sept., 13. Since Pres. Jimmy Carter declared it in 1978 to be the 1st Sunday after Labor Day.
2. Remembering 9.11.01
1. 9.7.20 – Happy Labor Day.
August 2020 Appearances
4. 8.22.20 – Happy Birthday dear Shirley Feeney, aka Cindy Williams. Thanks for the “Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!!” all the years!!!

Joey with Cindy Williams
3. Renowned caterer and now author, Bill Jones on the show this week. Listen to his stories about “feeding” the Beetles for 7 years and Elizabeth Taylor in “My Wild Ride on a Carousel” out soon.
2. R.I.P. Trini Lopez, dear friend and Desert Treasure. 5.15.37 – 8.11.20

Trini Lopez 5/15/37 – 8/11/20
1. All kinds of heroes during these awful fires
July 2020 Appearances
6. 7.26.2020 – National Parent’s Day!!! All of us had them and some of us are “them”. lol

5. 7.17.2020 – Happy Birthday to Show Biz Royalty and Desert Treasure….Lucie Arnaz!!!!
4. Important time to keep your sense of humor. Thanks to Steve Kanold and Jim Rider.
3. July 4, Happy Birthday to Harold Matzner, a desert treasure and iconic philanthropist!!!
2. Happy 4th of July. God Bless America!!! On you, 244 looks good!!!

Webster B. Lowe, Jr. 7/18/31 – 7/1/20
1. R.I.P. Webster B. Lowe, Jr. (7.18.1931 – 7.1.2020) A true, gracious gentleman and beloved husband of Ruta Lee. There are no words.
June 2020 Appearances
8. “Save Our Statues”….lol
7. 6.27.20 – Happy to attend the “Soft VIP Opening” for Trio Restaurant, downtown Palm Springs. Congrats to Tony Marchese and his team.
6. 6.21.20 – Happy Father’s Day…..My Daddy. Victor Lawrence Marquis, 1914 – 1975.
5. 6.20.20 – Listen to Palm Springs City Councilwoman Lisa Middleton report on the Supreme Court decision regarding the Civil Rights of the L.G.B.T.Q. Community on the show.

4. 6.19.20 – Happy Birthday Gena Rowlands. Four-time Emmy, two-time Golden Globe winner, Academy Award nominated Actress, and honorary Oscar winner, who will be celebrated on the show.
3. 6.17.20 – Happy Birthday to Barry Manilow ….thanks for the music.
2. 6.14.20 – Flag Day. God Bless America.
1. Rest In Peace. Dr. Frank Ercoli, frequent guest on the show. Head of the Desert Regional Medical Center’s Trauma Center, the Hanson House Facility on the DCN Campus and so much more. Tyler and I both owe our very lives to him.

Dr. Frank Ercoli 11/13/1952 – 6/9/2020
May 2020 Appearances
12. May 30, Successful first crewed mission for NASA rocket launch. How glorious to see America’s ingenuity triumph and “slip the surly bonds of Earth” (thank you John Gillespie Magee, Jr.) while some humans here below chose to desecrate and destroy. God Bless America!!!!
11. May 30, Happy Birthday Dear Ruta Lee. SO GLAD YOU WERE BORN!!! As you would say “consider your a__ kissed!!!!”

Ruta & Joey
10. May 30, Hear Palm Springs City Manager David Ready on the show. Yay!!!

9. May 24, Memorial Day. Thank you to all who serve. Freedom is not Free.

Thank you to all who serve. Freedom is not Free.
8. May 23 – Mayor Geoff Kors of Palm Springs announcing “Accelerated Stage 2”, the re-opening of Palm Springs’s restaurants and stores on the show!!! Yay!!!

7. May 16, Armed Forces Day. “God Bless America”.

6. May 15, Happy Natal Day Dear Trini Lopez.

Trini & Joey
5. May 15, Happy Natal Day Dear Lainie Kazan. Hear her on the show on the 16th.

Lainie & Joey
4. May 13, Going into our 8th week of “Shelter-In-Place”

3. May 10, Happy Mother’s Day…..all of us had one and some of us “are” one.

2. May 9, Hear Cindy Williams on the show talking about the tribute to Garry Marshall May 12 on ABC.

Joey with Cindy Williams
1. May 5, Happy Cinco De Mayo. Mi casa es tu casa. Margaritas all around.

April 2020 Appearances
9. Today’s “Joey Pal” is Jack Jones. A real Desert Treasure.
8. Staying at home gave me time to finally get my faucet fixed.
7. Reach out and virtually “touch” a dear friend today. Share the heartbeats. Here’s Ruta Lee.

Ruta & Joey
6. Listen to Cindy Williams on my show re: her participation in the tribute to Garry Marshall airing on ABC on 5.12.

Joey with Cindy Williams
5. Reach out and “bunny hug” a dear friend today…..here’s gifted artist Karen Barone.
4. Reach out and “virtually hug” a dear friend today, you’ll feel better just to hear their voice. Here’s Valley philanthropist Donna McMillan.
3. Reach out and “virtually hug” a dear friend today, you’ll feel better. Here’s mine…Celebrity photograph and Desert Treasure Michael Childers.

Legendary Photographer Michael Childers
2. Reach out and “virtually hug” a dear friend today, you’ll feel better. Here’s mine….DeAnn Lubell and the late Pattie Daly Caruso.
1. Here’s a “Bunny Hug” so you can have an “egg-cellent” Easter.
March 2020 Appearances
#8. – 3.31 – Granddaughter Alea’s 18th bday. She had a “virtual party” w/ her G.J. (Grandma Joey).
#7. – 3.28 – Mayor Geoff Kors on the show this week, bringing us up to date as he leads our City thru the COVID-19 situation.

#6. – 3.21 – Joel Douglas on the show sharing the memories of his father, Kirk Douglas and his passing @ age 103.

#5. – 3.15 “La Fheile Padraig sona duit!” Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you.

Joey & Tom
#4. – 3.14 “Talk of Stars” w/ Tom Dreesen.

Bill Feingold 1949 – 2020
#3. – 3.6 – R.I.P. Bill Feingold, here w/ Robert Moon, Ruta Lee and me.

#2. – 3.5 – Celebrating Fred “The Hammer” Williamson’s bday @ “Sammy G’s” w/ Jim and Linda.

#1. – 3.4 – Winning a bar trivia contest @ “Runway” in Cathedral City.