Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!


Home/Services Giveaway

Presented thru the generosity of the J. Ovier Group. (626) 510-7042.
1. ELMER’S RESTAURANT – gift certificate for a free meal – www.eatatelmers.com and (760) 327-8419.
2. LASR-INK/CENTRAL PRINTER RESOURCES – $10. gift certificate – 4599 E. Ramon Rd., P.S., CA. 92264 – www.lasrink.com and (760) 324-6696.
3. MJR CUSTOM FRAMING – $50. gift certificate – Ste., #108 @ The Atrium in Rancho Mirage –  (760) 324-6696.

Kids/Pets Giveaway

1. AIR MUSEUM – passes – www.psairmuseum.org and (760) 778-6262.
2. MARACAS MEXICAN CANTINA & GRILL – $30. gift certificate – 155 S. Palm Cyn., P.S. www.maracas-restaurant.com and (760) 322-9654 and 72-775 Dinah Shore, R.M. (760) 321-1001.
3. MC DONALD’S RESTAURANT – gift certificate – www.mcdonalds.com.

Shows/Tours Giveaway

Presented thru the generosity of the Palm Springs International Airport. www.flypsp.com.

1. DESERT ROSE PLAYHOUSE  – 2 passes – www.desertroseplayhouse.org  and (760) 202-3000.

2. J.T.’S DINER – $20. gift certificate – www.jtsdinerpalmdesert.com and (760) 674-7600.

3. OSCAR’S CAFE & BAR – $10. gift certificate – www.oscarspalmsprings.com and (760) 325-1188.

4. PS CULTURAL CENTER/CAMELOT THEATERS – free movie – www.psculturalcenter.org and (760) 325-6565.

Get fit/Make Over Giveaway

Presented thru the generosity of MDR Vital Factors. www.vitalfactors.com.
1. ASPEN MILLS BAKERY – gift certificate – www.aspenmillsps.com (760) 323-3123
2. COACHELLA YOGA – free month – www.coachellayoga.com 36869 Cook St., P.D., CA. 92271. (760) 346-2099
3. CRAZY MEL’S BURGERS & BAR – $10. gift certificate – 166 N. Palm Cyn., Dr., P.S., CA. 92262. (760) 656-7563.
4. FOLEY AND STINNETTE INTERIOR DESIGN – $250. gift certificate – 1091 N. Palm Cyn., Dr., P.S. www.foleystinnette.com and (760) 322-2268.

Restaurants/Romance Giveaway

Presented thru the generosity of Dr. Wendy Roberts. www.wendyrobertsmd.com.
1. 849 RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE – $10. gift certificate – www.eight4nine.com and (760) 325-8490.
2. LULU CALIFORNIA BISTRO – $10. gift certificate – 200 S. Palm Cyn., Dr., P.S. www.lulupalmsprings.com and (760) 327-LULU.
3. PEAKS RESTAURANT – $50. gift certificates. – 1 Tram Way, P.S. @ the Top of the Tram. www.pstramway.com and (760) 325-4537.
4. WILDEST RESTAURANT & BAR – $10. gift certificate – www.wildestrestaurant.com – 72990 El Paseo, Palm Desert, CA. 92260. (760) 636-0441.

Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Alain Delon 11.8.24 – 8.16.24

R.I.P. Peter Marshall 3.30.1926 – 8.15.2024

R.I.P. Gena Rowlands. 6.19.30 – 8.14.24

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