“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – September 25, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment
“RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK” w/ George Kessinger re: “Crazy Mel’s Burgers & Bar” 166 N. Palm Cyn., Dr., Palm Springs, 92262.
– REPORT on the mask mandates, vaccine identification rules and how they are complying w/ them @ “Crazy Mel’s”.
– DISCUSSION that the place to “protest” these rules is NOT w/ the Restaurant, but the City making the rules.
– REPORT that it’s a $1,000. Fine for the restaurant that allows in someone w/out the vaccination card.
– REPORT on the physical set up of the restaurant.
– REPORT on Gypsy coming to “Crazy Mel’s” on Saturday Oct., 2 around 4 PM.
– REPORT that the Gay Pride and Veteran’s Day Parades will go on as before. Make a reservation for the curbside Parade seating on those days.
– REPORT on the food; chicken wings in different ways, burgers, great sweet potato fries, great breakfast burger. Selling the most of their 5 grill cheese sandwiches offerings.
– (contact info: (760) 656-7563)

Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – September 25, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– REPORT that we are in our 81st week of Pandemic.
– REPORT that CA. remains the state w/ the lowest transmission rate. Riverside County now has 5,000 deaths, Coachella Valley has 1,000 deaths.
– REPORT that EVERYONE in hospital for Covid IS UNVACCINATED. Younger and younger patients.
– REPORT that FDA now recommends boosters for folks over 65 or w/ weakened immune systems, folks @ high risk.
– REPORT that folks who are teacher, food service workers, essential workers, first responders, nurses etc. MUST be vaccinated.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. has not brought back their entire work force yet, many still working from home.
– REPORT that only Pfiser has a booster @ this point in time. Boosters have 90% efficacy. Immunity lasts 6 months.
– DISCUSSION that one shot vaccination does NOT work w/ Covid. Reassortment of this virus.
– DISCUSSION that flu and Covid vaccinations available @ all three D.O.H.C. locations, Palm Springs, Indio and Yucca Valley. Drive-thru too. D.O.H.C. has vaccinated 28,000 CV residents.
– DISCUSSION that the flu virus is still around and the CDC and WHO track it around the world. Hoping for a low flu season.
– REPORT that the data to vaccinate children 5 and older is in. The children will get a third of a dose of the Pfiser.
– DISCUSSION that COVID is NOT a pretty disease and suffering is great. If you get vaccinated you get 10 times the amount of antibodies.
– REPORT on the controversy on who has the most antibodies? The folks w/ natural immunity or the vaccinated ones. ANSWER: the vaccinated folks.
– REPORT that people over 60 don’t MOUNT the antibodies as quickly as younger folks.
– (contact info: and (760) 969-6555).

cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet” – September 25, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet”
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– STATEMENTS/QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals” in the “Medicine Cabinet”.
1. Do vaccinations in children lose their efficacy after 4 months? (Data says longer than 4 months).
2. Are most of the folks w/ Covid obese? (Yes folks w/ diabetes too)
3. Do you need 4 layers of masks? (Not necessarily, but best to get a medical grade mask w/ multiple layers).
– REPORT that there is new data that says for every 4 boosters you give, you save 1 hospitalization!!!!
4. Is there a vaccine to inhale? (Yes, there are some that are being looked at. It is a more weakened form. Looking @ some vaccination dose to be administered thru band-aids).
5. Has the virus escaped the vaccine? (Not really, in the U.S. at least.)
6. Will the product “Balance of Nature” prevent getting Covid? (Not familiar w/ this product, but healthy people do better even if they get the virus)
– REPORT w/ Covid you lose your taste a bit.
7. Will Vitamin D prevent Covid? (Yes, optimizes your immune system. JUST DON’T OVERDOSE).
– REPORT that if you come to D.O.H.C. w/ Covid NOW, you will be treated right then and there.
8. What is a false-positive test? (Yes, they happen. Yes, some of these are expensive. Lower costs, less accurate tests are cheaper but less dependable).
– (contact info: and and (760) 969-6555).

Eisenhower Health Segment – September 25, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 1 – Eisenhower Health Segment
EISENHOWER HEALTH w/ Ben Farber, NEW Chief Nursing Officer and VP of Patient Care Services, Lee Rice Media Coordinator and Communications Specialist @ Eisenhower Health 39000 Bob Hope Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270.
– REPORT on how nursing has changed during the 81 weeks of Pandemic. Nurses were @ the front line before we had the vaccine.
– REPORT on how we have learned we can shift health care to the ambulatory environment and how to get care outside of the hospital.
– DISCUSSION of the fact that nurses have seen more death than they are use to. Students deciding whether or not they want to go to nursing school.
– DISCUSSION of the mental and emotional burden nurses have encountered. New program @ Eisenhower where a psychologist is on staff for the teams of nurses @ EH. Also, identifying staff that might need help and yet not recognizing that need.
– REPORT on how EH identifies these people.
– DISCUSSION of how EH puts some of the treatments/equipment OUTSIDE the patient’s room to cut down on the nurse’s exposure to Covid patients so many times.
– DISCUSSION of how EH supports terminal patients who are/were not allowed to have family members/loved ones IN THE ROOM due to the Pandemic during their last days.
– REPORT that all visitors @ EH and everywhere in CA. are required to show proof of vaccination or negative Covid test in the last 72 hours.
– DISCUSSION of the nation-wide shortage of nurses.
– REPORT on the benefits of masks, boosters and washing hands.
– (contact info:

Ben and Lee
Books and Authors Segment – September 25, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 2 – Books and Authors Segment
BOOKS AND AUTHORS w/ Alex Hunter re: “Joy Lansing, A Body to Die For, A Love Story”.
– REPORT that she wrote the book in 2008 and it was published in 2018.
– DISCUSSION of her loving relationship w/ Joy, one of the blond bombshells in Hollywood in 1950’s and 60’s. The difference in her private and public life.
– DISCUSSION of all the over 100 TV shows she did, movies, etc.
– DISCUSSION that their love affair was kept secret in 1969. IT WAS ILLEGAL TO BE GAY.
– REPORT that Joy had silicone injections, like many of the actresses of that time, to compete. These injections eventually spread and contributed to her death from breast cancer.
– REPORT that while Joy was dating Frank Sinatra, she and Frank BOTH had silicone injections. Her in her breast and him in his face.
– DISCUSSION that it was illegal @ this point in time. Joy had injections, not implants which started around the late 60’s.
– DISCUSSION of Alex’s 7 surgeries after her one silicone injection. It had migrated all through her chest area.
– REPORT that Joy feared “growing old” in the business and to keep her young, a doctor gave her an open-ended prescription for estrogen, which caused the breast cancer. Joy died in 1972 @ the age of 43.
– REPORT that Alex was w/ Joy from Jan., of 1969 until her death in Aug., of 1972.
– DISCUSSION of what is happening for the book. On Oct., 18th @ her book signing @ The Stonewall Inn in NYC where the gay movement kind of got it’s start. Also, on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. A revised edition will be coming out w/ more photos and another chapter.
– DISCUSSION that even men are getting it now.
– REPORT that there is a mini-series in the works.
– (contact info:

Fabulous Segment – September 25, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 3 – Fabulous Segment
JUST FABULOUS w/ Stephen Monkarsh, 515 N. Palm Canyon, Palm Springs.
– REPORT on the new stock he is bringing in from all the gift shows. Christmas ornaments, fashion themed ornaments, donut themed ornaments, doggie bow ties, gifts and accessories.
– REPORT on the fabulous Nest Candle Line that he carries exclusively here in the Desert.
– REPORT on the book store aspect of his store. Starting in March, 2007.
– DISCUSSION of the book signings he has w/ celebrity authors.
– HOLD THE DATE; Nov., 13, David Sedaris will be doing a book signing @ the Camelot Theatre but Just Fabulous will be handling the book sales of this lovely coffee table book.
– REPORT that they are open every day from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
– (contact info: and (760) 864-1300).

Ascend Insurance Segment – September 25, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 1 -Ascend Insurance Segment
ASCEND INSURANCE w/ Dennis Van Buskirk re: 36917 Cook St., #101, Palm Desert, CA. 92211. In University Village, right off the I10.
– DISCUSSION that Medicare enrollment is NOT closing, but will be open until ALL YEAR if you want to change your plan or apply for a new plan. Ask Dennis for advice.
– JOEY PAL’S Questions;
1. Are all the TV commercials that promote term life insurance credible? (Not necessarily. The commercial leaves out a lot of variables that you probably won’t quality for. He specializes in term life. The longer the term the more expensive it is. Least expensive way to go.)
– REPORT on mortgage insurance. Is outside of the loan of your house. Best to discuss w/ Dennis. Usually need 5 to 10% of your annual income for your death benefit. Best to get a 30-year term. Over 65 should get a 10 to 15-year term.
– REPORT that only 2% of all policies are paid out. Buy term and invest the rest.
– REPORT that Ascend Insurance sends out reminders for your insurance important dates.
– REPORT that homeowners insurance rates are going up and folks are shopping their policy and its rate w/ Dennis. Most new clients are making the deductibles $2500.
– REPORT that he’ll do the comparison shopping FOR YOU w/ NO BROKERAGE FEES. He will do all the paperwork that can even be electronically signed!!!!
– REPORT to call Dennis and let him SHOP it for you. He has 30 different carriers to shop for ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE needs. 90% of the time he can get you more coverage for the same amt. of $ OR same coverage for less $, etc. NO BROKERAGE FEES. Insurance for businesses too. He’ll talk you thru cancelling your old policy.
– REPORT that his office SPEAKS SPANISH.
– (contact info; and (760) 341-3477).

Arts & Entertainment Segment – September 25, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 2 – Arts & Entertainment Segment
– REPORT that he is new to Palm Springs.
– REPORT that he is working w/ the Nickerson Rossi Dance Academy in the Sun Center in Palm Springs. (
– HOLD THE DATE. Thurs., Oct., 21 for opening night for the weekend “Dance on Film”/Salon Rough event. Raymond is directing it. Portion of the proceeds will go to the Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center. There’s a whole weekend of master classes and performances. Professional teachers and dancers, both local and international, will participate in all areas. Tickets @ the website: Event runs through the 22, 23, and 24th.
– DISCUSSION of Raymond’s credentials as a director, choreographer, co-producer, dancer, and performer all over the world and in all mediums. Broadway, television, theater, artists, etc.
– Contact info:

Real Estate Segment – September 25, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 3 – Real Estate Segment
BRADY SANDAHL REAL ESTATE GROUP/KELLER WILLIAMS LUXURY w/ Brady Sandahl re: 70005 Mirage Cove Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270. Director of growth for luxury homes for Keller Williams.
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group/Keller Williams serves Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells and La Quinta.
– REPORT that the real estate market high point was in April, even though one home per day is selling thru his team. Average agent sells only 4 a year vs. his team’s record.
– REPORT that EVERY time he sells a property 21 people are employed. Helps the CV economy move forward.
1. If you already re-financed your home, is this a good time to DO IT AGAIN? (Best to talk to him or someone of his team. Discuss the COSTS of re-financing etc.,)
– REPORT that you don’t all the SOURCES, just need all the RESOURCES!!! (Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group).
2. Why is your team so good @ pricing a home? (He looks @ the market data EVERY SINGLE day. Most media market information is several months BEHIND. Also he is the largest real estate group and has so many more resources. His “buyer team” is expert in buyer behavior and knows where they are and what they are willing to pay.)
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group has over 300 clients who have given a “5” rating on Google.
– LUXURY is NOT a price point IT IS AN EXPERIENCE.
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl NEEDS LISTINGS.
– REPORT on John and Leslie sold one great home and bought another one thru his company and wished they had more property to buy/sell.
– REPORT on the Brady Sandahl “Joey English” Mystery House in Old Las Palmas. Built in 1920’s, renovated. Epic Spanish modern revival. $3.25 million. See it on
– REQUEST to follow him on Facebook etc.
– REPORT that the Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group is #1 in the Coachella Valley and is really good @ knowing where to find buyers from around the world and bring them to the properties here in the Valley. Very aggressive @ getting the property IN FRONT of the buyer. A team of 15 persons.
– (contact info: email: and and (760) 409-1540).

“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – September 18, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment
“RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK” w/ Todd Flood re: “Maracas Restaurant & Bar” 155 S. Palm Cyn., Dr., Palm Springs (for 16 years); 72-775 Dinah Shore Dr., Rancho Mirage and & “J.T.’s Diner” 37011 Cook St., Palm Desert.
– REPORT on the excitement of the indoor diners @ Maracas Palm Springs.
– REPORT that Street Fair will come all the way down S. Palm Caynon at a later date. Covid stopped quite a few vendors from returning.
– REPORT on the “Taste of Summer Rancho Mirage”. Buy a $10. wristband, that is reusable, with different “deals” @ all the participating restaurants that benefits lots of charities. RUNS THROUGH AUG., 15.
– REPORT that the charities can “buy” the bracelets from the R.M. Chamber and keep the rest for their charity.
– DISCUSSION that until he can be fully staffed he won’t change to the new menu.
– REPORT the Maracas is closed Wed., and Thurs., @ lunchtime in P.S.
– REPORT that J.T.’s is open from 8 AM to 2 PM, 5 days a week, closed Mon. and Tues.
– REPORT on the items inside the J.T.’s Diner Palm Desert that are for sale now. Retro kind of things.
– REPORT on the menu @ J.T.’s: eggs benedict, great burgers, chix. fried steak, meat loaf and mashed potatoes. Great milkshakes, root beer floats, and malts. Reminds us of Route 66 style.
– (contact info: and (760) 322-9654 and (760) 321-1001 and and (760) 674-7600).
