Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – March 28, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Lindsey Valenzuela re: 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Vice President of Population Health and Health Integration.
– REPORT on the 108th week of the Pandemic.
– REPORT that this is a smaller/slower week for Covid. We are in a lull. Do things to prepare if there is another surge;
1. Get vaccinated.
2. Get boosters.
3. If you feel ill, stay home and get treatment.
– DISCUSSION that if you are immune-compromised you may need AN ADDITIONAL DOSE and THEN a booster.
– REPORT that if you are immune-compromised you should check if you are eligible for Evusheld for protection before the fact.
– UPDATE on world travel restrictions.
– REPORT that masks have been around for a long time in many areas.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. in Palm Springs is transitioning to a “test-to-treat” facility.
– DISCUSSION of the “at-home” test availability.
– (contact info: and (760) 969-6555).

cont. w/ Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – March 28, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 3 – cont. w/ Desert Oasis Health Care Segment
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Lindsey Valenzuela re: 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Vice President of Population Health and Health Integration.
1. Is Oleic acid connection to the brain? (Lindsey will research.)
2. Pfiser making a generic oral treatment for Covid? (Yes, to be taken after you get ill. Process from a brand name drug to generic takes quite a few years. Have to wait for the patent on the brand name drug to expire.)
3. There is a new eyedrop that will improve up-close vision. Vuity. A drug that has been around a long time. Reduces the size of your pupils. Improves vision for 3 to 4 hours. Squint your eyes and you will see better. For people that are older.
– DISCUSSION that FDA will meet Ap., 6 about 2nd boosters for people 65 and older.
– DISCUSSION of the top 20 characteristics for highly intelligent people.
1. Experience w/ drug use.
2. Left-handed.
3. Tall
4. Big
5. Drink frequently
6. Read @ a young age.
– DISCUSSION of the top 4 indicators of intelligence.
1.Took music lessons.
2. Are the oldest sibling.
3. Are in shape.
– (contact info: and (760) 969-6555).

Business/Finance Segment – March 25, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 1 – Business/Finance Segment
ASCEND INSURANCE w/ Dennis Van Buskirk re: 36917 Cook St., #101, Palm Desert, CA. 92211. In University Village, right off the I10.
– REPORT on his family; his son has graduated and is working for Dennis and THE FIRST GIRL coming into the family in a long time as a granddaughter!!!
– JOEY REPORT on Dennis’s abilities to save you money for the same coverage OR MORE.
– REPORT that Medicare enrollment is NOT closing, but will be open until ALL YEAR if you want to change your plan or apply for a new plan. Ask Dennis for advice. If you don’t want Covered California, you can get another plan. How it works w/ Cobra.
– REPORT that homeowner’s rates have been increasing this past year. Due to all the losses Insurance Companies have had. So you’ll see an increase in your mortgage payment IF it includes your homeowner’s coverage.
– REPORT that altering your homeowner’s coverage WILL NOT affect your mortgage rate.
– REPORT that Dennis recommends taking a high deductible.
– REPORT that it is best to discuss w/ Dennis and he can check/compare things in 5 minutes.
– REPORT that Ascend Insurance sends out reminders for your insurance important dates.
– REPORT on the deductibles $2500. Will show the biggest savings.
– REPORT that you get additional reductions if you bundle your auto insurance.
– REPORT that there is a new company for Auto Insurance that will give you an additional 8% reduction on your auto insurance policy if you are a Costco, Sam’s Club, or AAA member.
– REPORT that if you want to FILE A CLAIM, call your agent first otherwise you won’t get the “claim free” rates AND because it will follow you for 3 to 5 years.
– REPORT that he’ll do the comparison shopping FOR YOU w/ NO BROKERAGE FEES. He will do all the paperwork that can even be electronically signed!!!!
– REPORT to call Dennis and let him SHOP it for you. He has 30 different carriers to shop for ALL TYPES OF INSURANCE needs. 90% of the time he can get you more coverage for the same amt. of $ OR same coverage for less $, etc. NO BROKERAGE FEES. Insurance for businesses too. He’ll talk you thru cancelling your old policy.
– REPORT that his office SPEAKS SPANISH.
– (contact info; and (760) 341-3477).

cont. Business/Finance Segment – March 25, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 2 – cont. Business/Finance Segment
CANNABIS CORNER w/ Nancy McDonald and Eli Becken. Row House. 2500 N. Palm Cyn., Dr.
– REPORT on the opening of the Row House. Opening the Lounge in April. Had a “soft” opening Thurs., Mar., 24.
– REPORT on her great staff, that has been wonderfully trained.
– REPORT on the retail merchandise.
– REPORT on the different drinks that will be available.
– REPORT that CBD is taken orally and is the way to start. CBD is not psycho-active. Then later you can go to THC which is….start low and slow w/ THC.
– DISCUSSION that Cannabis is legal in CA.
– REPORT that 2500 N. Palm Cyn., the new Cannabis Lounge and Consumption Lounge location. There will be FREE consultations too. Open 8 AM to 10 PM, 7 days a week.
– REPORT that you can take Cannabis for as long as you need.
– REPORT that they will partner w/ the Italian Restaurant next door to the new store. GREAT CHEF. Can drop different Cannabis products ON YOUR FOOD.
– REPORT that there will be a “pairing” menu for different products to pair w/ different foods. Also will be using different Cannabis “flowers” w/ different foods too.
– REPORT that the non-psychoactive CBD is used for many things. You can drive while taking it. Mood uplifter, helps avert anxiety attacks, helps w/ sleep.
– REPORT that the THC part of the plant will really help w/ appetite suppression. Doesn’t required a prescription, but you must be 21.
– (contact info; and (760) 656-6052)

Nancy and Eli
cont. Business/Finance Segment – March 25, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 3 – cont. Business/Finance Segment
BRADY SANDAHL REAL ESTATE GROUP/KELLER WILLIAMS LUXURY HOMES w/ Dave Mecham re: 70005 Mirage Cove Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270.
– REPORT on the fact that there has NEVER been anything like the current real estate market.
– REPORT that there are many bidding wars going on. Folks are paying ALL CASH.
– DISCUSSION of his role w/ the “sellers”.
– REPORT on how to price a home in this current real estate market.
– REPORT that Palm Springs is #6 on the list of cities for good real estate investment.
– REPORT that the average number of days for a house to be listed is somewhere about 29 days. Folks are even renting back their home after it’s sold to facilitate their move.
– DISCUSSION of the reputation Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group has in the Valley and around the U.S.
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl needs listings.
– (contact info: and (760) 409-1540).

Talk of Stars” Segment – March 24, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 1 – Talk of Stars” Segment
TALK OF STARS w/ Del Shores re: Writer/director/producer/actor/comic/ multi-award-winner.
– DISCUSSION of his childhood, family, education and background.

Young Del
cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment – March 24, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 2 – cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment
TALK OF STARS w/ Del Shores re: Writer/director/producer/actor/comic/multi-award-winner.
– DISCUSSION of his career, working w/ Academy Award winners, award-winning plays, movies etc. Connection to Palm Springs.

Joey and Del
cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment – March 24, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 3 – cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment
TALK OF STARS w/ Del Shores re: Writer/director/producer/actor/comic/multi-award-winner.
– DISCUSSION of his current projects and his book. Appearance @ CVRep Fri., Mar. 25 for the 6th Annual Cathedral City LGBTQ Days.

Sordid Lives
Eisenhower Health Segment – March 23, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 1 – Eisenhower Health Segment
EISENHOWER HEALTH w/ Alison Mayer Sachs re: Dir. of Community Outreach and Cancer Support Services @ Eisenhower’s Lucy Curci Cancer Center @ Eisenhower Health and Lee Rice 17 years as Media Coordinator and Communications Specialist @ Eisenhower Health. 39000 Bob Hope Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270.
– REPORT on March being Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.
– REPORT that EH is committed to your health well-being and your treatment when needed.
– DISCUSSION of the ability to talk about colons now.
– REPORT that Alison is the Chair for the Southern California Division of the American Cancer Society.
– REPORT that the ACS is the leader in Cancer Research, having over 48 Nobel Laureates in cancer research.
– REPORT that the incidents of colorectal cancer in folks over 50 have gone down dramatically since 2018.
– DISCUSSION of Colorguard ads on TV. Has had some measure of success in lowering cases of colorectal cancer. i.e. Katie Couric. Difference in anal cancer and colorectal cancer.
– REPORT that if you are 50 or over HAVE A COLONOSCOPY. Colorectal cancer IS PREVENTABLE.
– REPORT from Lee that a colonoscopy is not painful….Lee said it was ‘the best sleep she ever had’.
– SAVE THE DATE: March 31 – FREE Live Zoom event for Community Cancer Awareness Day. 5:30 – 6:30 PM. Register @ (760) 834-3798. Will take live questions. Moderated by Alison.
– (contact info: and 340-3911).

Alison and Lee
City of Palm Springs Segment – March 23, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Seg 2 – City of Palm Springs Segment
SAVE THE PLAZA THEATRE w/ J.R. Roberts re: Founder of the “Save the Plaza Theatre Foundation”.
– REPORT on J.R.’s dedication to the Community and his years on the City Council.
– REPORT on the Walk of the Stars dedication for David Lee in Fri., March 18 and then after party @ Il Corso. Then the “Team Frasier” reunion (w/ David Lee, Peter Casey, David Hyde Pierce & Peri Gilpin) to “Save the Palza Theatre” @ the Plaza Theatre (built in 1936 and declared a Class 1 Historic Site in 1991) on Sat., March 19 and the after party @ “Oscars”.
– DISCUSSION of all the ages of folks interested in saving the theatre.
– REPORT that David Lee (Frasier’s Executive Producer and co-creator) donated $5 million dollars to the “Save the Theatre” cause toward a $10 million dollar budget to restore the Theatre.
– REPORT on the FREE concerts in the new P.S. Downtown Park the first Wed., of each month. April’s FREE concert will be a tribute to Elton John.
– DISCUSSION of the Hollywood HIstory in Palm Springs and the fact that there is more of that here than in Hollywood.
– REPORT on the mission statement of the Save The Plaza Theatre Foundation. All the things that the venue will be used for. The great parking. The fact that the City of Palm Springs owns it.
All the different opportunities to “name” 700 seats, the auditorium, bathrooms, lobby, etc. thru donations.
– (contact info:
