“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – October 30, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment
“RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK” w/ Dan Gore re: “Oscar’s” 125 E. Tahquitz Cyn., Way. Palm Springs, 92262.
– REPORT on Lainie Kazan and Renee Taylor’s appearance @ Oscars.
– REPORT that all ages come to Oscars. “Bitchiest Brunch” on Sundays, w/ a third show to come in November.
– DISCUSSION that there will be a new menu coming soon.
– DISCUSSION of all the stars Dan is presenting @ Oscar’s…11.11 Priscilla Presley interview, 12.7 Dionne Warwick, 12.8 Angie Dickinson and 12.9 Loni Anderson interviews.
– REPORT that all productions are in partnership w/ Karen Cadle and Richard Gordon and interviews are conducted by Sandie Newton w/ Q & A afterwards.
– REPORT that tickets are available on-line.
– (contact info: www.oscarscabaret.com and (760) 325-1188).

Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – October 30, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– REPORT that we are in our 86th week of Pandemic. Will be able to go out for Halloween.
– REPORT that there is NOT A SINGLE D.O.H.C. patient in hospital w/ Covid. There are 30 folks in the CV in hospital w/ Covid.
– REPORT that the State of CA. leads the nation in low infection rate. We have the fewest number of new cases in the nation. Best performing state. Fewer folks in hospital. Positivity is below 5%.
– REPORT that Riverside County is “boostering” the heck out of everyone.
– STATEMENTS/QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals” in the “Medicine Cabinet”.
1. Is Covid going to be a seasonal thing? (Yes, as flu is probably, but we haven’t had enough seasons yet to see).
2. Are there kid size doses for the children? (Yes, FDA panel has said the benefits still outweigh the risks for children getting vaccinated for kids ages 5 to 11.)
3. In the future, fully vaccinated folks might not be considered such w/out a booster? (This is why the CDC considers you fully vaccinated w/ the original 2 shots. This might change, but it is not the case right now.)
4. Might we eventually need a 4th shot? (Probably, especially for folks w/ added exposures, but this population will be small.)
5. Is there such a thing as getting your booster TOO SOON? (Kind of confusing. Should get it 6 months after the Pfiser first 2 shots. You get a very robust response to the booster.)
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).

cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet” – October 30, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet”
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– STATEMENTS/QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals” in the “Medicine Cabinet”.
1. Are honey and turmeric together a potent antibiotic? (Yes, honey is great for healing a wound; turmeric is good to fight inflammation.)
2. Will the Delta Plus Variant outdo the vaccine? (No. We don’t expect it to.)
– REPORT that the new merc oral agent has been donated to the REST OF THE WORLD.
3. Again, what is better, natural or vaccinated immunities? (Vaccine after your have been sick AND RECOVERED is best of all worlds, the highest levels of antibody production available.)
– REPORT that the immunity YOU develop is totally dependent on YOUR BODY. 10% of folks get NO IMMUNITY. Remember your immunity wanes.
– REPORT that 25% of all the candy SOLD in the world is sold for Halloween, more sold for Christmas.
– HOLD THE DATE; Nov., 20 Heart & Stroke Walk in conjunction w/ the American Heart Association and D.O.H.C. @ Civic Center Park. Virtually or in-person.
– (contact info: www.myturn.ca.gov and www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).

5th Saturday Segment – October 30, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 1 – 5th Saturday Segment
ACT FOR MS w/ Ann Greer re: 73-710 Fred Waring Dr., Ste., # 118, Palm Desert, CA. 92260.
– REPORT that on Monday 11.15 their “Literary Salon” w/ Andy Kaplan and his book w/ the character called “Scorpion” in the Homeland Series. You’ll get a copy of the newest book. Bill Marx will play the piano. Will be @ a private home in Rancho Mirage.
– REPORT on the Holiday Party, Thurs., Dec., 2 @ Acqua California Bistro, Rancho Mirage.
– REPORT that this will be a variation of Christmas Tree Lane. Chaired by Linda W. and Joanne H.
– REPORT that all funds raised STAY in the Valley.
– (contact info: www.actforms.org and (760) 773-9806).
PALM SPRINGS AIR MUSEUM w/ Ann Greer re:745 N. Gene Autry Tr., Palm Springs, CA. 92262.
– REPORT that the Museum is open 10 – 5 every day. With over 70 vintage aircraft in 4 hangers.
– REPORT on TODAY’S Oct., 30, Chili Cook Off and Car Show. “Surf ‘n Sand”. Over 125 Classic Cars (from Desert Classic Car Assoc. & Palm Springs Cruising). $1 a taste or $5 for 6 tastes, for over 11 different types of Chili. Lulu California Bistro cooks the recipes for chili for the contest. Tasters get to vote. Kids in costumes get in free, w/ NO HALLOWEEN MASK. Pet friendly.
– REPORT on the new great gifts in the Gift Shop. A special edition of the game Parchese, i.e. the wing of an airplane.
– REPORT on Warbird Rides, listed on websites. – Warbird Rides available for $195. Book online for a ride in one of 2 P-51, (“Bunny” and “Man of War”) C-47, T28, T33 (jet).
– REPORT that a new A-7 plane will be revealed on Nov. 6.
– HOLD THE DATE: Sat., Nov., 20 – “Props and Hops” Craft Beer Festival. Vendors, tastings, $50. ($40 in advance) includes a cup and 8 drink tickets, food stations. Does not get you into the Museum. Must be 21 to go to the Beer Festival.
– REPORT that the Air Museum NEEDS volunteers.
– (contact info: www.psairmuseum.org and (760) 778-6262.)
WARING INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION. w/ Ann Greer re: 73-710 Fred Waring Dr., #201, Palm Desert, CA. 92260.
– REPORT that there will hopefully be a Grand Salon in November w/ 50 to 100 persons.
– REPORT on the need for host homes.
– HOLD THE DATE: For the Gala on Monday Feb., 7, 2022 @ Westin Mission Hills. Tickets are $300 – $500.
– REPORT that the VWIP Competition will come back IN PERSON in April 10 – 18, 2022. Expecting 25 contestants ages 18 TO 31. City of Palm Desert is the Host Sponsor again and the events will be FREE thanks to the City of Palm Desert.
– REPORT that volunteer training will begin soon.
– (contact info: www.vwipc.org and (760) 773-2575).

Joey English “Talk of the Stars” Segment – October 30, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 2 – Joey English “Talk of the Stars” Segment
OSCAR’S PALM SPRINGS w/ Bruce Vilanch, re: 125 E. Tahquitz Cyn., Way. Palm Springs, 92262.
– REPORT that Bruce will be appearing @ “Oscars” on Wed., Nov., 3. From 7 – 9 PM.
– REPORT that Bruce has 6 Emmys. 4 years on Hollywood Squares on the “left” of Whoopie. Writer for the Academy Awards from 2000 to 2014.
– DISCUSSION of how the writing for the Academy Awards worked. The Billy Crystal emceeing story from “behind the scenes”.
– DISCUSSION of playing “Edna Turnblat” in “Hairspray” on Broadway. Jim J. Bullock (who played Edna’s husband) lives in Palm Springs.
– DISUCSSION that “Hairspray” will be the opening show @ the McCallum this coming season and Edna will be played by a drag queen, “Nina West” (Andrew Levitt).
– REPORT that Bruce has been a writer, actor, done film & TV, on Broadway, done documentaries, had a one-man show called “Almost Famous”, his time as a child actor, etc.
– REPORT on his charity work. He’ll be @ Oscar’s during Pride Week. He was the Grand Marshall of the parade too.
– (contact info: www.oscarscabaret.com and (760) 325-1188).

cont. Joey English “Talk of the Stars” Segment – October 30, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 3 – cont. Joey English “Talk of the Stars” Segment
cont. OSCAR’S PALM SPRINGS w/ Bruce Vilanch, re: 125 E. Tahquitz Cyn., Way. Palm Springs, 92262.
– REPORT that Bruce will be appearing @ “Oscars” on Wed., Nov., 3. From 7 – 9 PM.
– REPORT that Bruce was adopted when he was 4 days old.
– DISCUSSION of his talent/the source of it/etc.
He had just found his birth mother, who passed a month after his adopted mother, without knowing him. He has found his birth family now.
– DISCUSSION of his childhood and the differences between then and now. Changes in the meaning of the word “queer”.
– DISCUSSION of his “t-shirt” style.
– REPORT that Bruce will be appearing @ “Oscars” on Wed., Nov., 3. From 7 – 9 PM w/ Poppy Champlin.
– REPORT on his “work” of writing during the Pandemic, ‘without pants”.
– DISCUSSION of perhaps acting in a TV series.
– REPORT that he is writing a book.
– (contact info: www.oscarscabaret.com and (760) 325-1188 and www.wegotbruce.com) .

5th Saturday Segment – October 30, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 1 – 5th Saturday Segment Segment
– REPORT on the impact of his business by the supply chain problems.
– REPORT that he is very busy. The impact of the shortages of products and supplies that are needed in his industry.
– DISCUSSION that estimates he gave last month, before all the issues w/ products and shipping, may have changed.
– REPORT that he’s doing mostly interior remodels. Kitchens and bathrooms.
– DISCUSSION that “lead time” is January to start new projects now.
– DISCUSSION of the importance to him of customer satisfaction. That is why he only takes on one job @ a time.
– REPORT on his company’s work @ the new Margaritaville Hotel in town.
– REPORT on the FREE estimates.
– (contact info: www.squaredconst.com and (760) 808-7550.)

cont. 5th Saturday Segment – October 30, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 2 – cont. 5th Saturday Segment
LALO VISIONS w/ Lalo Tachiquin re: Clairvoyant from “Casa Del Monte” in Yucca Valley.
– DEFINITON of Lalo’s “gift” of psychic abilities and communing w/ angels to pass on messages to the living. He’s a spiritual healer, clairvoyant and psychic reader. He hears and sees things.
– QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals”.
1. Can you send a message to someone “on the other side”? (No. We cannot communicate w/ the other side. We are alive.)
– REPORT that he reports messages from anyone, not necessarily your family….can be anyone.
2. What impact does Halloween have on the spirits? (None, that’s a human tradition.)
3. Is Christmas celebrated in Heaven? (Not specifically….every day is Christmas in Heaven.)
– REPORT on what forms spirits take in revealing themselves to humans. Lalo believes in spirits that want to reveal something, so they “appear” to you.
– REPORT on Lalo’s comforting 90-minute spiritual readings for only $95. up in beautiful Yucca Valley. GREAT GIFT IDEA.
– (contact info; www.lalovisions.com and (760) 401-1810.)

cont. 5th Saturday Segment – October 30, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 3 – cont. 5th Saturday Segment
A.C.T. TOURS w/ Steve Kanold re: 555 S. Sunrise Way, #219, Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
– REPORT on the joy up @ the Joshua Tree Saloon for Joey’ bday last year.
– REPORT on the FREE Travel Club he held the 1st Wed., of October and the guest speaker Lainie Kazan.
– HOLD THE DATE; April, 2022 to New York Theatre. Stay @ the Crown Plaza and all the great seats for the shows. Put down a deposit now of $300. To save your space.
-REPORT on some of the tours coming up;
– Dec., 2021 – Two trips to see Hamilton, @ the Hollywood Pantages. Dec., 18 and Dec. 26. Stop first for a “no-host” lunch. All seats are for the matinees.
– HOLD THE DATE; Wed., Nov., 3rd FREE Travel Club of the Desert w/ speaker Bob Satterfield AND A SPECIAL SURPRISE GUEST!!! The head of Travel X to talk about what kind of insurance to get during Covid issues. She’ll present a new policy for ACT.
– May, 2022. – Musical Cities of America; Nashville down the Mississippi to Graceland, BB King Estate and then New Orleans. 10 days motor coach tour for $2,699. Not including air.
– Fall, 2022 – Eastern Canada. 8 days for $1,995.
– $1695. Panama Canal for 15 days. Oct., 1 – 15, from L.A., 5 stops in Mexico, including airfare home w/ Royal Caribbean.
– Egypt in Sept.
– Mediterranean Cruise over Thanksgiving. For $1,995. Overnight in Rome, then the cruise.
– San Diego New Years. GREAT GIFT IDEA. 5 days. City Tour of San Diego, Tour of San Diego Bay, Coronado Island, stay @ the Hotel Del Coronado,New Year’s Eve Party. From P.S., $1,495.
– 2 trips to Africa. The Great Migration.
– Cruise of the Mediterranean, Thanksgiving in Sicily.
– REPORT on Steve’s book “Globetrots, You didn’t tell me there’d be walking on this tour.” Get it @ Amazon, OR call ACT and get a signed copy and you’ll get gift certificate for tours @ ACT.
– (contact info: www.act-tours.com and (760) 322-1247).

“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – October 23, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment
“RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK” w/ Joe Enos re: “Lulu California Bistro” & “Acqua Rancho Mirage”. 200 S. Palm Canyon, P.S. & 71800 CA. 111, Rancho Mirage.
LULU’S – There’s Always a Party @ LuLu.
– REPORT on Miss Lainie Kazan dining @ LuLu’s. REPORT on Gypsy dining @ LuLu’s. The great STAFF that are @ LuLu’s. Hunter, James, Channel, Ricky etc.
– REPORT on the both the indoor and the outdoor dining, on the terrace.
– REPORT that @ LuLu’s you must show proof of vaccination and wear a mask to your table to dine inside. You don’t need proof to dine outdoors and wear your mask until seated.
– REPORT that children are welcome too.
– REPORT that LuLu is open 7 days a week; Monday – Friday from 11 AM; Sat., Sun., $19.99 3 course brunch 9 to 2.
ACQUA – We Serve Smiles.
– REPORT on outdoor dining there @ the “Pazza Terrace” w/ lounge seating and a new menu.
– REPORT on the “Super Shareables” of 30 offerings served JUST on the “Pazza Terrace”.
– REPORT on the special cocktails; i.e. blood orange margarita, etc.
– REPORT that Acqua is open 7 days a week: Monday – Friday from 4 PM; Sat., Sun., $19.99 3 course brunch 9 to 2.
– REPORT that @ Acqua you only need to wear a mask until you are seated inside and not needed outside.
– REPORT on the great menus @ both properties. Just SHOW UP.
– REPORT that it’s not too early to start making reservations for Thanksgiving @ either property.
– (contact info: www.lulupalmsprings.com and (760) 327-LULU and www.acquaranchomirage.com and (760) 862-9800).
