Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!


“Restaurant of the Week” Segment -November 27, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 1

RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK w/ Marty Webster re: “Aspen Mills”. 1.) 555 S. Sunrise Way, P.S. 92264. (since 1995)
2.) Inside Clarks Nutrition Café @ 34175 Monterey Ave., R. M., 92270; 3.) 46-520 Washington St., La Quinta; 4.) Rancho Mirage Library @ 71-100 Hwy., 111, Rancho Mirage. 5.) NEW Café in the “Create Center” in Palm Desert.
– REPORT that the supply chain issues have affected his business costs, but he is NOT passing those costs on to the consumers.
– DISCUSSION of the tuna salad that was voted “Best in the Valley” by P.S. Life Magazine.
– REPORT – All locations are open normal hours, open @ 7 AM. All are closed on Sundays. Can dine inside and out @ all locations too. Still take-out of course.
– REPORT on pies for the Holidays.
– REPORT on the 5 different salads.
– REPORT on the 30 different kinds of breads. No preservatives in any of their breads. Any bread “flavor” can be made into rolls. MAKE GREAT GIFTS.
– REPORT on the different sandwiches.
– REPORT on the muffins, cookies, round cakes, brownies, low carb breads, etc.
– REPORT on the sandwich trays for the Holidays and any time. Can do kids size of sandwich too.
– REPORT on the breakfast offerings that can be delivered.  Fruit, hard-boiled egg, etc., that requires no cooking.
– REPORT on how to order by phone, email etc., THEY DELIVER.
– DISCUSSION that everything is made from scratch w/ real butter, etc. The baking goes on around the clock.
– REPORT that he’s been open since 1995.
– (contact info: www.aspenmillsbakery.com and (760) 323-3123).


Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – November 27, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 2

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Lindsey Valenzuela re: 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Vice President of Population Health and Health Integration.
– REPORT that we are in our 90th week of Pandemic.
– REPORT on Thanksgiving.
– REPORT that the CV is @ 75% completely vaccinated. State is 73.6% and Nationally it’s 68.4%.
– REPORT that the approval of the vaccine for anyone 18 and over can NOW get a booster. Doesn’t have to be the same brand as your original shots.
– REPORT that there is an uptick in folks getting their FIRST series. Don’t have to be members of D.O.H.C.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. went out to schools to vaccinate kids and their parents came too and got vaccinated.
– REPORT that the best thing to do is bring down the virus in our population BY GETTING VACCINATED.
– REPORT that we are expecting a surge after the Holidays.
– DISCUSSION of natural immunity vs. Vaccination immunity.
– REPORT that the Corona virus vaccine does not help prevent flu.
– REPORT that we have come light years in the 90 weeks.  It is new for everyone in the community, but the scientific community has been working on this for over a decade.
– REPORT on the NEW ANTI-VIRAL that is coming out soon.
– REPORT on monoclonal antibodies that D.O.H.C. can give thru an IV.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C.’s WALK-IN clinics are open Mon. – Friday @ P.S. & Indio. D.O.H.C’s ADULT clinic in Yucca Valley is open every Thursday AND KIDS clinic on Tuesday.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet” – November 27, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet”

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 3

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Lindsey Valenzuela re: 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Vice President of Population Health and Health Integration.
– QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals”.
1. What is an amyloid? (Amyloid is a plaque that is associated w/ Alzheimers. New research into a nasal spray vaccine for Alzheimers.  New drug as well. Treatments ARE NOT for the early stages.)
2.  Is the rate for infection for both vaccinated AND unvaccinated folks the same? (No. Unvaccinated folks are @ a higher rate of infection by about 7 times more than an unvaccinated person.)
– REPORT that Japan has an oral vaccine? (Not yet on the market. Lots of countries are working on this.).
3. New studies about how long natural immunity will last? (Unvaccinated and had Covid = still 5 times more likely to test positive for Covid and you don’t know how BAD you Covid case might be.)
– REPORT that the major symptom of the virus is a runny nose.
4. Masks are not as effective as they were thought to be? (All part of the overall fight, useful in certain situations).
– REPORT that D.O.H.C.’s clinics are open Mon. – Friday @ P.S. & Indio & Yucca Valley FOR BOTH FLU AND COVID.  By appointment please.  FREE. Go on www.mydohc.com.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


Eisenhower Health Segment – November 27, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 1 – Eisenhower Health Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 1

EISENHOWER HEALTH w/ Cari Sudmeier, Nurse Practitioner for over 20 years and Lynn Sishel, Marketing and Public Relations Department re: Eisenhower Health 39000 Bob Hope Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270.
– DISCUSSION of the new Hi Resolution Anoscopy Clinic @ EH. One of the few, especially for women. Twice as high a risk for women as men.
– REPORT on the risk factors for Anal Cancer and definition of the problem. i.e. anal/rectal cancer.  NOT colon cancer.
– REPORT on HPV lives there and can cause Anal Rectal Cancer and does not travel up and cause Colon Cancer. This virus can cause cancers all over the body, even the brain, neck, tongue, etc.
– REPORT on the symptoms.
– REPORT that the things that increase your risks.
– REPORT on the Anal PAP.
– REPORT on how the High Resolution Anoscopy is conducted. This is not painful.
– REPORT that you need a referral from a physician and an anal pap.
– (contact info: www.eisenhowerhealth.org and (760) 837-8601).

Cari and Lynn

DAP Health/Revivals Segment – November 27, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 2 – DAP Health/Revivals Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 2

MR. COMMUNITY w/ Steven Henke re: Director of Brand Marketing @ 1695 N. Sunrise Way, P.S. 92262.
– DISCUSSION of the “freedom” of Britney Spears back into the community.
– REPORT on the “back to health” program @ DAPHealth.
– REPORT that many clients were talented artists. SO now the art is for sale ON THE WEBSITE.  Great gift ideas.  “Give the gift of art for the greater good”. 100% of the proceeds GO TO THE ARTIST.
– DISCUSSION of all the different mediums of art being presented.
– DISCUSSION of how/where/when the art came to light w/ these clients.
– REPORT that all 9 of these artists seem to use their art in furtherance of their own treatment/journey.
– DISCUSSION of the question of “is cost a barrier” to folks getting/not getting tested.  The Sexual Wellness Clinic is FREE. Tests for STI’s, HIV, Hep C etc., No judgement, no barriers. Go on to the website and make an appointment @ the Sexual Wellness Clinic.
– (contact info: www.daphealth.org and www.revivalsstores.com.) 


Talk of Stars Segment – November 27, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 3 – Talk of Stars Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 3

JUST FABULOUS BOOK STORE w/ Kathy Garver of “Family Affair” re: 515 N. Palm Cyn. Dr. Palm Springs
– REPORT on her new book signing Dec., 5 from 1 – 3 PM @ Just Fabulous.”Family Affair Scrapbook”.
– REPORT on all 5 of her books.
– DISCUSSION of her role as “Cissy” on Family Affair from 1966 to 1971.
– DISCUSSION that Family Affair was one of the first series in color.
– DISCUSSION of how popular the show still is. The values it supported.
– DISCUSSION that Kathy owned a home in Palm Springs for a long time, her brother still does.
– (contact info: www.kathygarver.com and www.bjustfabulous.com and (760) 864-1300).


Photography Segment – November 27, 2021

11:00 – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 1 – Photography Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 1

– REPORT on the basics of good photography and how professionals do it so much better than we do.
– DISCUSSION of “capturing our souls” w/ a camera.
– DISCUSSION of how Gregg began his career.
– DISCUSSION of how digital has changed everything.  Remembering developing film, getting copies, etc., and how much better it is now.
– REPORT on his working for golfers and golf courses mostly now.
– REPORT on the importance of getting action shots.
– DISCUSSION of his celebrity shots.
– DISCUSSION of the rules for shooting on a golf course.
– DISCUSSION that he’s shooting Lindi Biggi’s new golf course, Shadow Mountain Golf Resort in Palm Desert that she bought in August and is open as of this November.
– (contact info: www.greggfelsenphotography.com (612) 396-7878).


P.S. International Airport Segment – November 27, 2021

11:00 – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 2 – P.S. International Airport Segment

Hour 3 Seg 2

PALM SPRINGS INTERNATION (PSP) w/ Daniel Meier re: Deputy Director of Aviation, Marketing & Air Service, Department of Aviation 3400 E. Tahquitz Cyn., Way, Ste., OFC, P.S. 92262.
– REPORT on Allegient Air’s new service this week and the “airplane cookie” they are giving out.
– REPORT on travel tips for the Holidays. Especially getting to the airport 90 minutes before the flight.
– REPORT that June – Oct., of 2021 were the best months EVER for the P.S. International Airport.
– REPORT that AHA! Will be year-round service. Next summer we will have 15 year-round routes.  We have 35 non-stop routes this season. CV residents want to travel all year long.
– REPORT on parking issues.  NEW temporary holiday lots.  A shuttle lot.
– REPORT on the baggage rules. www.tsa.gov will tell you what you can and cannot take on a plane.
– REPORT on the masks, vaccination rules.
– DISCUSSION of security issues and how safe we are. We’ve had no serious problems.
– REPORT that cabin airplane air is re-freshed every THREE MINUTES, from OUTSIDE THE PLANE.
– REPORT that there is a new non-stop (on Nov., 17) flight to Nashville from PSP via Allegiant Air, Des Moines, Provo and Indianapolis. Also that week, (Nov., 19) via Alaska Air, they will start two new routes; one to Austin and year-round to San Jose.
– (contact info: www.palmspringsca.gov and (760) 318-3806).


Real Estate Segment – November 27, 2021

11:00 – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 3 – Real Estate Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 3

BRADY SANDAHL REAL ESTATE GROUP/KELLER WILLIAMS LUXURY w/ Brady Sandahl re: 70005 Mirage Cove Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270. Director of growth for luxury homes for Keller Williams.
– REPORT that the Real Estate Market has been VERY STRONG but it starting to begin to slow down as he predicted.
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group/Keller Williams serves Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells and La Quinta.
– REPORT on the impact of the P.S. Airport has on our real estate, BUT traveling is NOT buying.
– REPORT that the first 3 weeks of Nov., we had only 76 properties that came on the market in P.S.
– REPORT that we have more demand than supply in our real estate folder.  So we don’t have enough product on the “shelf” for buyers to buy.
– REPORT that we are beginning to see price reductions and properties come OFF the market.  Properties “expiring” due to price concerns.
– REPORT that interest rates will start to inch up.
– REPORT that sellers live in THE PAST and buyers live in THE FUTURE.
– REPORT that EVERY time he sells a property 21 people are employed. Helps the CV economy move forward.
– DISCUSSION that if you are going to sell; select someone who KNOWS THE MARKET and KNOWS how to price.  Price your home to SELL, not to KEEP.
– REPORT that also he is the largest real estate group and has so many more resources. His “buyer team” is expert in buyer behavior and knows where they are and what they are willing to pay.)
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl NEEDS LISTINGS. He’s very PRO BUSINESS.
– REPORT that the Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group is #1 in the Coachella Valley and is really good @ knowing where to find buyers from around the world and bring them to the properties here in the Valley.  Very aggressive @ getting the property IN FRONT of the buyer.  A team of 15 persons.
– (contact info: email: brady@nullbradysandahl.com and www.bradysandahl.com and (760) 409-1540).


“Restaurant of the Week” Segment -November 20, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 1

RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK w/ Marty Webster re: “Aspen Mills”. 1.) 555 S. Sunrise Way, P.S. 92264. (since 1995)
2.) Inside Clarks Nutrition Café @ 34175 Monterey Ave., R. M., 92270; 3.) 46-520 Washington St., La Quinta; 4.) Rancho Mirage Library @ 71-100 Hwy., 111, Rancho Mirage. 5.) NEW Café in the “Create Center” in Palm Desert.
– REPORT that the supply chain issues have affected his business costs, but he is NOT passing those costs on to the consumers.
– DISCUSSION of the tuna salad that was voted “Best in the Valley” by P.S. Life Magazine.
– REPORT – All locations are open normal hours, open @ 7 AM. All are closed on Sundays. Can dine inside and out @ all locations too. Still take-out of course.
– REPORT on pies for the Holidays.
– REPORT on the 5 different salads.
– REPORT on the 30 different kinds of breads. No preservatives in any of their breads. Any bread “flavor” can be made into rolls. MAKE GREAT GIFTS.
– REPORT on the different sandwiches.
– REPORT on the muffins, cookies, round cakes, brownies, low carb breads, etc.
– REPORT on the sandwich trays for the Holidays and any time. Can do kids size of sandwich too.
– REPORT on the breakfast offerings that can be delivered.  Fruit, hard-boiled egg, etc., that requires no cooking.
– REPORT on how to order by phone, email etc., THEY DELIVER.
– DISCUSSION that everything is made from scratch w/ real butter, etc. The baking goes on around the clock.
– REPORT that he’s been open since 1995.
– (contact info: www.aspenmillsbakery.com and (760) 323-3123).


Rest in Peace
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