“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – August 28,2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment
RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK w/ Dick Shalhoub re: “McDonalds”.
– REPORT on the good business that’s going on for his 30 stores in 11 different cities in Southern California.
– REPORT that they are experiencing better digital ordering, better drive-thru options, better delivery systems, etc.
– REPORT on the new products; i.e. “pull-apart donut” etc.
– DISCUSSION of what produces the largest traffic, breakfast, lunch or dinner or all day dining? (all day dining).
– DISCUSSION of the rules for safety of employees and team members and customers is paramount. McDonalds forged an alliance w/ the Mayo Clinic and the CDC to write good protocols for McDonalds stores.
– DISCUSSION that lobbys are closed for dining, but not ordering in Palm Springs and Cathedral City. Different in each city and county. All employees are to wear masks.
– REPORT that McDonalds established a partnership w/ the Dept. of Health in the State of CA. Dick established locations where his employees can get vaccinated and get a free McDonalds meal.
– REPORT that the best news for him would be a conclusion to all of these health issues for his families, employees and customers will be safe.
– REPORT that the worst news for him surrounds the educational issues for our children in the state of California.
– (contact info: and (760) 674-3335)

Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – August 28, 2021
09:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– REPORT that we are in our 77th week of Pandemic.
1. REPORT on the tent where they see ill folks that treats folks outside.
2. Report on Professional “burn-out”. Stats that have NEVER been seen. Mostly due to frustration. 62% of healthcare workers have burn-out and exhaustion.
3. REPORT that on Sept., 20 everyone that has been vaccinated SHOULD GET A BOOSTER. D.O.H.C. will contact the 30,000 folks that they vaccinated originally.
4. REPORT that 99% of the hospitalized cases ARE THE NON VACCINATED!!!! 90% of the circulating virus in CA. is the Delta Variant right now.
5. REPORT that the Delta Virus has higher viral loads than the Alpha Covid. THE BOOSTER IS THE ANSWER.
– DISCUSSION that on Sept., 20 you can get your COVID BOOSTER AND your flu shot the same day FOR ANYONE. Walk-ins too. Appointments @
– REPORT that when they start vaccinating children under 5, they will get the same dose as an adult.
– (contact info: and (760) 969-6555).

cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet” – August 28, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment “The Medicine Cabinet”
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
1. Long Covid symptoms? (Study in Ireland show that long covid is linked to clotting. Can happen in your brain too).
2. RSP in children? (A virus that every child CAN/WILL get exposed too. Co-infected w/ COVID. Causes hospitalization of children mostly in southern states.)
– COVID has changed the “seasonality” of different diseases, i.e. flu.
3. If I’m getting a blood transfusion and I’m vaccinated, should I NOT take blood from an un-vaccinated person? (Mostly false fears).
4. What is “Havana syndrome”? (Some sort of radio/wave length frequency pulsation. Causes vertigo,
dizziness, migraines).
5. Is Hawaii open or closed to travel due to COVID? (They were doing well w/ COVID, but now they are having significant “uptick” in cases, so the governor has asked folks NOT TO COME).
– REPORT that FDA has given FINAL approval to the vaccines. Some airlines are adding fees to your ticket if you are NOT vaccinated.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. will open up dual vaccination clinics for Flu and Covid. Get both vaccinations at the same time, thru the drive-thru.
– REPORT on how to get a FREE Digital Back-up for your vaccine record. Go to and sign up. You’ll quick a QR (quick response) Code on your phone.
– (contact info: and and (760) 969-6555).

Eisenhower Health Segment – August 28, 2021
10:00 -11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 1 – Eisenhower Health Segment
EISENHOWER HEALTH w/ Dr. Iyoob Ilyas, Board Certified General Surgeon in Colorectal Surgery and Brett KIein Clinical Marketing Specialist. Eisenhower Health 39000 Bob Hope Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270.
– DISCUSSION of the family/medical history of the Doctor. He’s from India. Educated in England. He’s married w/ 3 children. His children were born in India, England and the U.S.
– REPORT on how the Dr. picked his specialty.
– DISCUSSION that colorectal cancer patients get into trouble thru no fault of their own….they JUST GET IT.
– DISCUSSION of Cologuard home test and the larger benefits of a colonoscopy. Get a colonoscopy starting @ age 45 both men and women.
– REPORT that Colorectal cancer is influenced by age AND diet. Red meat, obesity, heredity also increase the chances of getting Colorectal cancer.
– REPORT on the technology available @ Eisenhower Health to treat Colorectal cancer. (Robotics started so doctors could operate in battlefields.) Operation is still done by the surgeon, sitting a foot or two from the patient. Much more accurate. The Robot take the “tremors” away from the surgery.
– REPORT that the doctor has some podcasts on U-Tube.
– (contact info: and (760) 340-3911).

Iyoob and Brett
Palm Spring Chamber’s Walk of the Stars Segment – August 28, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 2 – Palm Spring Chamber’s Walk of the Stars Segment
PALM SPRINGS CHAMBER/WALK OF THE STARS w/ Jennifer Banford re; 190 W. Amado Rd., Palm Springs, CA. 92262. Works w/ Ambassador Program and Walk of the Stars Program.
– REPORT that she’s been doing this job for 2 weeks.
– REPORT that we have 443 stars.
– DISCUSSION that Hollywood has the “Walk of Fame”, Palm Springs has the “Walk of the Stars” and the Joey English Show has the “TALK of Stars”. Lol.
– REPORT on coming star dedications. Open to the Public and are held outside.
– REPORT on coming star dedications;
Oct. 19 – Frank Ferrante
Nov,. 2 – Terry Ketover
Nov., 9 – Michael Bush
Nov., 12 – Dr. F. Ercoli
Dec., 2 – Dionne Warwick
– REPORT on HOW to nominate someone for a Star. Cost is $15,000. All information is on the chamber website. Different categories for a star.
– DISCUSSION that a nominee must pass 2 committees. Then start fundraising and then pick a location and date.
– HOLD THE DATE: Sept., 22, Taste of Palm Springs.
– (contact info: and (760) 325-1577).

City of Palm Springs Mr. Community Segment – August 28, 2021
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 3 – City of Palm Springs Mr. Community Segment
MR. COMMUNITY w/ Steven Henke re: Executive Editor of DAPHealth Magazine and Director of Brand Marketing.
– REPORT on the first edition of the DAPHealth magazine…”DAP HEALTH, BETTER HEALTH TODAY”.
– REPORT on all the features and services of DAPHEALTH. A lifestyle magazine, tells stories. Uses QR codes to embellish the stories and add further information to each article.
– REPORT that this magazine takes all the DAPHealth/Revivals info to the visual learners.
– DISCUSSION that the magazine is FREE @ all 4 Revivals Stores, P.S. Chamber Office, etc. The magazine doesn’t use models, but uses clients, staff etc., from DAPHealth.
– REPORT that the magazine will come out a couple of times a year.
– DISCUSSION of some of the articles in this first issue; i.e. Les Dames du Soleil; Decorator Beau Stinnette, etc.
– DISCUSSION of the shopping available on the Revivals Website.
– (contact info: and

Eisenhower Health Segment – August 28, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 1 – Eisenhower Health Segment
EISENHOWER HEALTH w/ Brett Klein re: 39000 Bob Hope Dr. Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270. Clinical Marketing Specialist @ EH and “Mr. Palm Springs.”
– REPORT that EH is hosting the FREE VIRTUAL Aging Positively Reunion Project. “Marriage” of two events; HIV and Aging Specific.
– REPORT that lots of organizations/charities/non-profits are working together for this VIRTUAL event from 9 AM to 2 PM on Sept., 18.
– DEFINITION of the aging process that HIV/AIDS patients go thru that is different than folks who do not have HIV/AIDS.
– SEPT., 18 – This date is also National HIV and Aging Day. Register for the VIRTUAL event on-line @ and (760) 992-0440. Exciting news that the event is already breaking attendance records from the “in person” event of previous years.
– REPORT that Andy Bell of Erasure will be the featured guest speaker.
– DISCUSSION of the various subjects to be featured.
– EXCITING NEWS that this event serves to “break down barriers”, the community coming together.
– (contact info: and (760) 340-3911).

Real Estate Segment – August 28, 2021
11:00 – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 2 – Real Estate Segment
BRADY SANDAHL REAL ESTATE GROUP/KELLER WILLIAMS LUXURY w/ Brady Sandahl re: 70005 Mirage Cove Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270. Director of growth for luxury homes for Keller Williams.
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group/Keller Williams serves Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells and La Quinta.
– REPORT that the real estate market high point was in April, even though one home per day is selling thru his team. Average agent sells only 4 a year vs. his team’s record.
– REPORT that EVERY time he sells a property 21 people are employed. Helps the CV economy move forward.
1. If you already re-financed your home, is this a good time to DO IT AGAIN? (Best to talk to him or someone of his team. Discuss the COSTS of re-financing etc.,)
– REPORT that you don’t all the SOURCES, just need all the RESOURCES!!! (Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group).
2. Why is your team so good @ pricing a home? (He looks @ the market data EVERY SINGLE day. Most media market information is several months BEHIND. Also he is the largest real estate group and has so many more resources. His “buyer team” is expert in buyer behavior and knows where they are and what they are willing to pay.)
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group has over 300 clients who have given a “5” rating on Google.
– LUXURY is NOT a price point IT IS AN EXPERIENCE.
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl NEEDS LISTINGS.
– REPORT on John and Leslie sold one great home and bought another one thru his company and wished they had more property to buy/sell.
– REPORT on the Brady Sandahl “Joey English” Mystery House in Old Las Palmas. Built in 1920’s, renovated. Epic Spanish modern revival. $3.25 million. See it on
– REQUEST to follow him on Facebook etc.
– REPORT that the Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group is #1 in the Coachella Valley and is really good @ knowing where to find buyers from around the world and bring them to the properties here in the Valley. Very aggressive @ getting the property IN FRONT of the buyer. A team of 15 persons.
– (contact info: email: and and (760) 409-1540).

“Restaurant of the Week” Segment August 21,2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment
RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK w/ Tim Webster re: “Aspen Mills”.
1.) 555 S. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs
2.) Clarks Nutrition, Rancho Mirage
3.) 46-520 Washington St., La Quinta
4.) Rancho Mirage Library, Rancho Mirage **TEMPORARILY CLOSED**
5.) NEW RESTAURANT in Palm Desert
– DISCUSSION of the tuna salad that was voted “Best in the Valley” by P.S. Life Magazine.
– REPORT on summer. All locations are open normal hours, open @ 7 AM. All are closed on Sundays. Can dine inside and out @ all locations too. Still take-out of course. Masks required inside.
– REPORT on the 5 different salads.
– REPORT on the 30 different kinds of breads. No preservatives in any of their breads. They employ the services of a “bread chemist”. i.e. pumpkin chocolate chip bread, etc. MAKE GREAT GIFTS.
– REPORT on the different sandwiches.
– REPORT on the muffins, cookies, round cakes, brownies, low carb breads, etc.
– REPORT on juices, water, coffee etc.
– DISCUSSION that everything is made from scratch w/ real butter, etc. The baking goes on around the clock.
– REPORT that he’s been open since 1995.
– (contact info: and (760) 323-3123)

Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – August 21, 2021
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– REPORT that we are in our 76th week of Pandemic.
1. Report on Boosters; After you get the 1st two doses you need the booster. The same vaccine is in the booster.
2. The Delta Variant infects people so quickly. It is 90% of the cases in Riverside County. This one infected person can infect 5 (as opposed to the Alpha Variant where on infected person can infect 2)
3. Most people going into Hospital now are NOT vaccinated. But the vaccinated re-infected folks are not getting very ill, will NOT be on a ventilator and will NOT get dead.
4. A booster is not yet approved for the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, but it’s coming.
– REPORT that if you want control in your life; if you want your kids to get back in school; GET VACCINATED!!!
– REPORT that ALL D.O.H.C. employees will be tested once each week.
– DISCUSSION that you will have to show your vaccination card to go anywhere.
1. If you got the Pfiser or Moderna Vaccine, when might it wear off? (8 months and then it’s time for the booster.)
2. Can you get botox near the time you get the Vaccine? (Probably best to wait a bit AFTER getting the vaccine, seems to cause swelling of lips.)
– (contact info: and (760) 969-6555).