Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!


Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – January 3, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 2

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.|
– REPORT that this is our 96th week of Pandemic.
– DISCUSSION of the good news. Data on 2020 – uptick in hospitalizations. Data on 2021 – uptick in hospitalizations but not as high; deaths dropping; infection rate up but not as high as last year. AND this Omicron variant is not as toxic.
– REPORT that hopefully the worst will be over by Valentine’s Day (says Dr. Brian).
– REPORT that TESTS are way up. 
– REPORT that w/ the new variant, the monoclonal antibodies are not quite as effective.  Omicron variant doubles number of infected people every couple of days.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. is part of the HOPA system and has the new monoclonal antibodies as well as the oral agents in. Have a small supply @ this point in time.
– REPORT that these new therapies are for AFTER you are vaccinated, AFTER you get infected.
– DISCUSSION of the skepticism about the vaccine does not necessarily apply to the treatments AFTER one gets sick….then THEY REALLY WANT TO GET WELL.
– REPORT that you DO NOT NEED TO BE A D.O.H.C. member to get treated by them.
– REPORT that home testing is hard. As long as the Virus has hosts it WILL SPREAD.  Get vaccinated.  This Omicron strain is more easily transmissible but less toxic to hosts.
– REPORT that lots of viruses are out there now….flu, colds, etc.,
– REPORT that the State of CA. is 6 months behind reporting the stats.  But Omicron is the dominate strain.
– DISCUSSION that this is a Pandemic OF THE UNVACCINATED.
– REPORT that there are 45 cases in hospital. They are very sick and very few are vaccinated.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – January 3, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 3

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– “THE MEDICINE CABINET” Questions from “Joey Pals”.
1. How does a home test work or not? (Great if you can get them. Easy to use. CDC has changed isolation protocols to 5 days now.  Omicron variant stays high in the nose, onset is faster and it clears faster..spreading it from day 5 and beyond is rare. Go to Immediate Care if you have symptoms.)
2. If I’ve had Covid and I’m not vaccinated I was told I CAN NEVER GET COVID AGAIN??? (Not true AT ALL Natural immunity is a GREAT THING. ).
3. WHO said that a new variant will resist the vaccines we have? (The new variant is JUST AROUND THE CORNER and it will seek and find a way to infect people. New vaccines are BEING DEVELOPED AS WE SPEAK!!! Don’t worry.)
4. South African Study says the Omicron protects against the Delta? (Yes, since Omicron is milder and Delta is still circulating, now you have have that immunity from Omicron to protect against the coming variants.)
5. If you are fully vaccinated you don’t have to worry about the Omicron Variant. (The D.O.H.C. employees are showing infections even thought they are fully vaccinated…BUT HAVE VERY SLIGHT SYMPTOMS).
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Bob Newhart 9.5.29 – 7.18.24

R.I.P. Richard Simmons 7.12.48 – 7.13.24

R.I.P. Dr. Ruth 6.4.28 – 7.12.24

R.I.P. Jerry West. 5.28.38 – 6.12.24

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