Tours Segment – February 6, 2024
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Seg 3 – Tours Segment
RED JEEP TOURS “MOUNTAINS OF FUN” w/ Rick Curtiss re; 74-794 Lennon Pl., Ste., B. Palm Desert.
– DISCUSSION of how busy they have been.
1. Do the Red Jeep’s have seat belts? (Yes and they are required. The rain causes the “routes” to be a little more bumpy so seat belts help. Jeeps hold 7 passengers and 1 driver so 8 seat belts. No car-seats are allowed, but booster seats are permitted.)
– REPORT that all their Jeeps are CJ8 Scramblers and were only made from 1981 – 86. They are all open-air. Red-Jeep Tours keeps them in great condition.
2. Do Red Jeep Tours have private or public tours? (Both are available. Depends on how many people are already booked, as the airlines seat you. You can buy out the whole Jeep for a private tour.)
– REPORT that a private jeep for 2 – 4 folks is $800.
– REPORT that a private jeep for more than 4 is $1,000.
– DISCUSSION that you can request food and drink as desired but can only be drunk when you are off public streets.
– REPORT that the rain can make “huge” changes in the canyons and washes that they use as their “roads”.
– REPORT They have 15 Jeeps and 2 SUVs. They have 40 drivers/guides. All are well-trained and make their own tours up. Although there is a list of required things to show on the tour. They run tours 3 or 4 days a week.
1. San Andreas Fault Tour
2. Indian Canyons
3. Joshua Tree
4. Painted Canyon Tour
– DISCUSSION of the tour items they have for animals, babies, older folks etc.
– REPORT on the new “solar” bathrooms that they have along the routes.
– REPORT that there are 5 Canyons; Palm, Andreas, Murray, Chino and Tahquitz REPORT on the 3 ways the plates move. 1. Subduction zone. 2. Plate spreading. 3. Strike/slip.
– DISCUSSION that their tours are given on a piece of private property.
– REPORT that every 2 years they have to take a First Aid Course and are given a certificate.
– (contact info; and (760 324-5337).
