David Perry and Associates, Inc. Segment – August 25, 2023
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Seg 2 – David Perry and Associates, Inc. Segment
DAVID PERRY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. w/ David Perry re: 1775 E. Palm Canyon., Dr., Ste., 110-55, Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
– REPORT that he loves the movie “Absolutely Fabulous” about PR.
– DISCUSSION of his trip to our OFFICIAL “Sister City”. Palm Springs first one is San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Now it’s official and signed up for cultural, educational, business, cultural and student exchanges. www.sistercitiesps.org to learn more.
– REPORT that he was there w/ our Mayor and Al Jones, Jeffrey Bernstein, etc. Where to fly into. Several travel options. i.e. a 3 and ½ hour bus ride from Mexico City.
– REPORT on the history and creation of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Lots of ex-patriots live there. Larger city than Palm Springs.
– DISCUSSION of his mission statement. Great @ communications and International connections.
They do PR, video design, social media, crisis communication, and photography (aerial too).
– REPORT on his clients; The P.S. International Airport; Grand Central Palm Springs in La Plaza; The Purple Room; HARC; Dezart Performs and their Season.
– DISCUSSION that he can educate clients about AI. He’ll be doing a seminar on this subject. Actually, Alexia which has been w/ us a while is also AI.
– DEFINITION of Generative Intelligence. CHAT GPT. You can type in a question and the answer comes back. David is using it for templates….as a secretary. Art work can be done w/ Chat GPT.
– DISCUSSION of his book “Upon This Rock” An elegant, twisty thriller in which a gay couple investigates a mysterious suicide in a scenic Italian hill town. Google Books.
– REPORT on what’s next for David and his husband are working on. Sequel to the book!!!!
– REPORT that you can subscribe to his email list on his website. He’s on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Davidperrysf.
– (contact info: www.davidperry.com and (415) 767-1067).
