Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

cont. Children/Charity Segment – April 8, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Seg 2 – cont. Children/Charity Segment

Listen to Seg 2

NEURO VITALITY FOUNDATION w/ Sarah Sutton re: Manager of the NV Foundation 2800 E. Alejo Road, Palm Springs.
– REPORT on mission statement.  She’s been w/ the Center since 2013.
– DISCUSSION of how she helps the clients get the financial support they need when they can’t get insurance company funds.
– REPORT that they can then go to the NVC @ least 2 days a week.  Cost is about $85./day funded thru Medicare most of the time.
– REPORT that Sarah helps match that amount for each day when it is not covered by insurances.
– DISCUSSION of the joy of working there and helping these folks.
– HOLD THE DATE; “Open Mic” w/ Joel Baker on piano @ the Neuro Vitality Center.  Bring sheet music.  EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT.  Starts @ 6 w/ sign up and goes until 9. $10. Cover charge and there’s food available.
– HOLD THE DATE: May 6 @ 5:00 PM. “A Garden Party” w/ Yve Evans.  Dinner w/ wine & song.
– (contact info; www.neurovitalityfoundation.org and (760) 323-7676).                                 


Rest in Peace
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