Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – March 28, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment

Listen to Seg 1

RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK w/ Dick Shalhoub w/ Tracey Shelton, the City of P.S. Office of Sustainability and Lauren Bruggemann Sustainable Tourism Consultant and part of the respected Bruggemann restaurant family re: The Palm Springs Office of Sustainability.
– ANNOUNCEMENT of the issues involved in becoming a sustainability city.
– REPORT that the issue is not just ONE PIECE.  Needs to be a huge community effort.
– REPORT that humans have to change their behavior.  We must change the level of our consumption.
– REPORT that on 9% of ALL plastic produced is recycled.
– REPORT on the impact of businessmen such as Dick becoming involved is the first step.
– DISCUSSION of starting the change BEFORE it starts, i.e. using recyclable plates, actual silverware, etc.  something that doesn’t go into the land fill.
– DISCUSSION of the cost consideration to all business that will need to change some practices.  Whole different concert will be involved.
– REPORT that McDonalds will be changing the construction of the Happy Meals as an example.
– REPORT that needs to be a mind-set change.
– DISCUSSION of the $750. scholarship for food and beverage establishments to take part in these initiatives.
– DISCUSSION of the overall plan; i.e. food source, supply, plant-based products, no hormones, step-by-step, etc.
– REPORT on how to become involved thru the website.
– (contact info: www.yoursustainablecity.com)

Tracey, Dick, and Lauren

Rest in Peace
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