Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment – September 18, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 2

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Lindsey Valenzuela re: 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Vice President of Population Health and Health Integration.
– REPORT that we are in our 80th week of Pandemic.
– REPORT on the BAD NEWS……that we are still seeing surges of the virus in unvaccinated areas of the country. Higher risk of diversion, (diverting care from hospitals that are admitting ONLY PATIENTS W/ A STRONG LIKELEHOOD OF SURVIVAL). Huge surge of hospitalizations. Triage comes into play.
– REPORT that there is no approved level of antibodies that MEANS you are immune. Do you have enough of the right type.
– REPORT that studies still show that the vaccine reduces your chance of severe illness, you chance of being hospitalized and your chance of dying.
– REPORT that one in ten children who have gotten Covid HAS LONG COVID.
– REPORT that very rare cases of death after vaccination, but many deaths w/ the Covid infection…i.e. myocarditis.
– DISCUSSION of the impact of social media and the Internet vs. THE SCIENCE.
– REPORT that the flu this year will be WORSE than last year’s version.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C.’s clinics are open Mon. – Friday @ P.S. & Indio. D.O.H.C’s clinic in Yucca Valley is open every Thursday.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Bob Newhart 9.5.29 – 7.18.24

R.I.P. Richard Simmons 7.12.48 – 7.13.24

R.I.P. Dr. Ruth 6.4.28 – 7.12.24

R.I.P. Jerry West. 5.28.38 – 6.12.24

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