Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

DAPHealth/Revivals Segment – August 7, 2021

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 3 – DAPHealth/Revivals Segment

MR. COMMUNITY w/ Steven Henke re: Director of Brand Marketing @ 1695 N. Sunrise Way, P.S. 92262.
– REPORT on 4 REVIVALS @ www.revivalsstores.com @ all four stores. Open 7 days a week. 10 to 6 PM. All precautions and protocols are in place.
– DISCUSSION of the volume of donations that are coming in during this time.
– DISCUSSION that there is a big increase in folks buying tchotchkes and creating a market on Instagram and SELLING THEM. We can get them @ Revivals.
– REPORT on the “High-low off we go”. “50-Second Finds” w/ John on the Revivals website.
– REPORT that all stores are now recommending masks when indoors.
– REPORT that DAP Health has now mandated vaccinations for ALL 229 employees because a universal mask mandate is not enough to prevent the Delta variant. Recommended by Dr. D. Morris.
– HOLD THE DATE for the FREE Oct., 30, Aids Walk, “Together Again”. Kick off @ Ruth Hardy Park @ 8 AM @ the Health and Wellness Village. Walk starts @ 10 AM. Registration is open now. Sign up @ www.desertaidswalk.org. Family and pet friendly.
– REPORT on where the funds from the Walk go. Monies go to over 10,000 neighbors that get their health care @ DAP Health.
– DISCUSSION that we must not forget DAP Health and fighting HIV and Aids because we are so focused on COVID.
– SAVE THE DATE; Sept., 13 @ Oscars for a transgender support event.
– REPORT that all 4 Revivals Stores (Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Palm Desert and Indio) are now open 10 AM to 6 PM. You can drop off @ each store and get a receipt for your taxes. You can schedule a pick-up and home cleanup too.
(760) 323-2118)


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