Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Desert Water Agency Segment – June 7, 2024

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 1 – Desert Water Agency Segment


Listen to Seg 1

DESERT WATER AGENCY w/ Xochitl Pena, Public Affairs Mgr. and Victoria Llort, Dir. Public Affairs and Conservation re: 1200 S. Gene Autry Tr., Palm Springs, CA. 92262.
– DISCUSSION of our Public Affairs Dept., and Conservation Dept., which Victoria overseas.
– DISCUSSION of Victoria’s work history. She will follow state and federal water issues.
– REPORT that we have already hit our triple digit temperature. Pay attention to water use. Check your irrigation system.
– DEFINITION of “irrigation system”.
– REPORT that we need to be “water wise” and what goes into just “turning on the faucet”.
– REPORT that 70% of the water used in the Coachella Valley is used outdoors.
– IMPORTANT to check your sprinkler system for leaks, and that nozzles are watering in the correct direction. You should check your irrigation system once a month.
– REPORT on new and existing programs on website.
1. A watering guide for this time of year. www.dwa.org/guide.
2. Leak detection survey going on for 2 to 3 weeks.
3. Grass Removal – $3. Per square foot and an additional $1 per square foot in Palm Springs.
4. Smart Controllers – Adjust automatically when it rains.
5. Sprinkler nozzle – Uses less water.
6. Toilets – A $150. credit for an energy-efficient one to cover purchase and installation for residential. Ultra-low-slow. This incentive is for 1.1 gallon per flush toilets or less. Buy it where-ever you want. www.dwa.org/toilet.
7. Clothes washers – $250. If you upgrade to an energy-efficient one. They have a sticker on one.
– REMEMBER to turn off your sprinklers for 48 hours AFTER it rains.
– (contact info: www.dwa.org.and (760) 323-4971)

Xochitl and Victoria

Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Bob Newhart 9.5.29 – 7.18.24

R.I.P. Richard Simmons 7.12.48 – 7.13.24

R.I.P. Dr. Ruth 6.4.28 – 7.12.24

R.I.P. Jerry West. 5.28.38 – 6.12.24

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