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American Legion presents “Helping Heroes USA” Segment – June 11, 2024

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 2 – American Legion presents “Helping Heroes USA” Segment


Listen to Seg 2

Cont. HELPING HEROES USA w/ Amado Salinas. National Legislative Council for the Dept., of CA.; National Media and Communications Committee for the American Legion; Judge Advocate Dept., of CA. of the American Legion; Area 5 District 1 First Vice for membership; National Legislation Council for By-laws and Constitution; Life member of American Legion Post 519 @ 400 N. Belardo, Palm Springs, CA. 92262 and the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars. Parliamentarian and Sgt.-At-Arms for the Hispanic American Police Officers Command Association.
– REPORT that Tony de Maio, the CEO and President, started/founded “Helping Heroes USA” and providing this time for us to talk about all these issues.
– REPORT on the mission statement; as a non-profit, to help the Veteran and First Responder organizations in serving their members and communities to feel better about themselves. “Helping Heroes USA” supplies funds, marketing, consulting, and organizational tools @ no charge to the organizations.
– EXAMPLE of the events that HELPING HEROES USA sponsors all over the world. Tony de Maio has a business background and tremendous people skills. He lives in Sun City, Palm Desert.
– REPORT on a meeting that was held each year in France after D Day and a Frenchman asked “why were all the attendees speaking English, even though they were meeting in France…the room got silent and then an American Admiral spoke up and said “well, that’s because some friends of ours from Canada, Australia and Great Britain arranged it so that we wouldn’t speak German.”
– DISCUSSION that when you leave America and then return you really appreciate Her.
– REPORT that go to the website of Vann Morris reciting “If Old Glory Could Speak”
www.evangelomorris.com – YouTube
– DISCUSSION of the housing situation for Veterans. They get a voucher for housing but when it expires in order to get a new voucher, they must first go back to being homeless!!!
– REPORT that Veterans are housed w/ other Veterans if they have legal, emotional, stress issues, rather than the general public where their issues are not recognized.
– PLANS for homeless veteran affordable housing. i.e. a 20-unit apartment complex.
– (contact info; www.helpingheroesusa.org www.americanlegionpalmsprings.com and (760) 325-6229)


Rest in Peace
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