Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

American Legion Segment – April 9, 2024

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 1 – American Legion Segment


Listen to Seg 1

American Legion Dept. of CA (Salinas Heritage Group) w/ Amado Salinas. National Legislative Council for the Dept., of CA.; National Media and Communications Committee for the American Legion; Judge Advocate Dept., of CA. of the American Legion; Area 5 District 1 First Vice for membership; National Legislation Council for By-laws and Constitution; Life member of American Legion Post 519 @ 400 N. Belardo, Palm Springs, CA. 92262 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Parliamentarian and Sgt.-At-Arms for the Hispanic American Police Officers Command Association and Jeff Cole .
– REPORT that today is Amado’s bday. Amado was in “Devil Pups” for youngsters 13 – 15.
– DISCUSSION that Jeff was in the Army…had two combat tours to Afghanistan. He was medically retired out.
– REPORT that Jeff is Post Commander of the VFW in Desert Hot Springs. Now he’s the Sgt. Of Arms for Post 519. Now he took over the American Legion Riders for this Post.
– DISCUSSION of the Riders; there are 7 of them right now. Women also will be “patched in” soon. He’s trying to bring over things from the VFW in DHS. Once a month they pass out hygiene kits to the homeless. They arrange transportation for the homeless, Veterans too, to their medical appointments.
– DISCUSSION of how to join the American Legion. i.e. parent of a veteran, spouse of a veteran, a child of a veteran, etc., How important the number of members is for the PACT to get the benefits for all veterans.
– HIS REPORT on Afghanistan through his eyes.
– REPORT on the daily activities @ Post 519. i.e. “Lunches by Juan”. Can be a guest of a Veteran. Entertainment.
– (contact info; www.americanlegionpalmsprings.com and (760) 325-6229)

Amado and Jeff

Rest in Peace
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