Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Ascend Insurance Segment – March 22, 2024

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 1 – Ascend Insurance Segment


Listen to Seg 1

ASCEND INSURANCE w/ Dennis Van Buskirk re; re: 36917 Cook St., #101, Palm Desert, CA. 92211. In University Village. 26 Years.
– REPORT on his family.
– REPORT that companies are leaving CA left and right. Nationwide is the latest to close their doors to new business. The ones leaving MAY come back.
– REPORT on how Dennis will place his Nationwide clients.
– DISCUSSION that if your home is over 30 years old the only place you can get insurance is CA Fair Plan.
– DISCUSSION that Dennis had 25 carriers to work with, but now has 4 or 5, since so many have stopped writing insurance in CA. Some rates are going up 50%.
– REPORT that Dennis STILL CAN WRITE policies.
– DISCUSSION that Dennis is now writing a lot of insurance for manufactured homes and vacation rental properties.
– REPORT that NOW IF YOU ARE ONE DAY LATE paying your premium, the insurance companies will probably NOT RENEW YOU.)
– REPORT that there are NO BROKERAGE FEES @ Ascend.
– REPORT that when you have an incident, CALL DENNIS FIRST before you call the Insurance Company and it goes on your record.
– REPORT that he writes a lot for Canadians.
– REPORT that the whole office is bi-lingual.
– REPORT that the office does the paperwork…a lot of it on-line and over the phone.
– REPORT that he also writes commercial policies.
– (contact info; www.ascendins.com and (760) 341-3477.)


Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Bob Newhart 9.5.29 – 7.18.24

R.I.P. Richard Simmons 7.12.48 – 7.13.24

R.I.P. Dr. Ruth 6.4.28 – 7.12.24

R.I.P. Jerry West. 5.28.38 – 6.12.24

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