Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Ascend Insurance Segment – January 26, 2024

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 1 – Ascend Insurance Segment


Listen to Seg 1

ASCEND INSURANCE w/ Dennis Van Buskirk re; re: 36917 Cook St., #101, Palm Desert, CA. 92211. In University Village. 26 Years.
1. What happens if I didn’t get my insurance in place by Dec., 7? (Open enrollment will go until Feb., 15 for individual health insurance and any changes you need to meet.)
– REPORT that Dennis does the P.P.O. Medicare plans. You can do changes to P.P.O. Medicare plans any time during the year.
– REPORT that folks looking to review their insurance, get a better rate, need new insurance, need to call Ascend.
– REPORT that if you have a preferred carrier, stay w/ them until things in CA. start to open up again.
– DISCUSSION that Dennis had 25 companies to write, but now has 4, since so many have stopped writing insurance in CA.
– DISCUSSION that they are getting business from new home buyers.
– REPORT that whenever you call in a claim, whether it’s paid or not, it goes on your record.
– REPORT that Car insurance just went up 16%? (The majority of the companies he writes for HAVE LEFT CALIFORNIA.)
– REPORT that NOW IF YOU ARE ONE DAY LATE paying your premium, the insurance companies will probably NOT RENEW YOU.)
– REPORT that there are NO BROKERAGE FEES.
2. How much insurance should I have for uninsured motorists? (Two types, bodily injury and property damage. You should “match” the two. Depends on how many people are in the other care. It protects you if the uninsured motorist doesn’t have enough insurance, OR any insurance.)
– REPORT that when you have an incident, CALL DENNIS FIRST before you call the Insurance Company and it goes on your record.
– REPORT that he writes a lot for Canadians.
– REPORT that the whole office is bi-lingual.
– REPORT that the office does the paperwork…a lot of it on-line and over the phone.
– REPORT that he also writes commercial policies.
– (contact info; www.ascendins.com and (760) 341-3477.)


Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Alain Delon 11.8.24 – 8.16.24

R.I.P. Peter Marshall 3.30.1926 – 8.15.2024

R.I.P. Gena Rowlands. 6.19.30 – 8.14.24

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