Fabulous Segment – August 15, 2023
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Seg 3 – Fabulous Segment
JUST FABULOUS w/ Stephen Monkarsh. re: 515 N. Palm Canyon Dr., Palm Springs. Usually, open 7 days a week. At the Corridor for 16 years. Corner of Alejo and Palm Canyon.
– REPORT on his new expansion space into a 1500 sq. foot of retail “Just Fabulous Home” also @ the Corridor. Home décor, garden, candles, ladies fashion and accessories, sun glasses, scarfs, pouches, purses, for both men and women….AND MORE. Taking an additional building across the greens from the original store. Stephen will be designing many of these items.
– REPORT that they may be a “grab and go” facility w/ maybe wine and beer too.
– REPORT that there will be more gallery space for art work too.
– REPORT that in the original store the kids and pets sections will be expanding as well.
– DISCUSSION of the products, ideas, trends, collections he has in the store and on-line.
1. The book signings he’s planning for the Fall and the collection of signed books from celebrities he has in the store.
2. The shopping he is already doing for his well-know Christmas offerings.
3. His OWN designs of items for sale now….tote bags etc., w/ a Palm Springs theme. In the store and on-line.
4. Details about the on-line shopping availability.
5. How you can special order a book, possibly autographed for Christmas. Do it now.
6. He is hiring.
7. Assoline line and Nest candle line.
– (contact info; www.bjustfabulous.com and www.bejustfab.com and (760) 864-1300.)