Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

cont. “Senior Moment” Segment – February 9, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 3 Seg 3 – cont. “Senior Moment” Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 3

FOREST LAWN w/ Larry Davis re: 69855 E. Ramon Rd., Cathedral City, CA. 92234. Indio and Coachella locations also.
– REPORT that when there is a death there are 100 decisions to make in the first 24 hours!!!
– DISCUSSION that making decisions @ this point in time is very difficult. Folks talk about other issues, i.e. retirement, etc., but not FINAL arrangements.
– REPORT on especially if there are no children, etc.
– DISCUSSION that if you pre-arrange and pay for everything, you really DON’T NEED ANYONE to make ANY decision when you pass away.
– REPORT that you cannot require someone to pay for your funeral if you have not made this arrangement in advance.  AND people need guidance on what you want done.  Relieve your family of this stress.
– DISCUSSION of how the price of a funeral is determined.
– DISCUSSION that the Covid Pandemic has caused people to deal w/ their mortality a bit more.
– (contact info: www.forestlawn.com and (760) 328-3112).


Rest in Peace
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