Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

November 2021 Appearances

15. Nov., 30. Fabulous dinner @ “Maracas” w/ Fred (and Linda) “The Hammer” Williamson w/ “Spike” and “Ranger”.  See these 3 of them @ the “Men of the Desert Fashion Show” for Animal Samaritans on Sunday.

14. Nov., 25. Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours…..Blessings.

13. Nov., 22. THE END of the birthday week.  Dinner w/ Son Tyler…the 17th of Nov., my 76 bday and his 33 1/2!!!!  Food, fun, fellowship and family.  Thank you God.

12. Nov., 20.  Fabulous dinner and a show for my bday (11.17) and Marty’ Wiviott’s (11.18) @ Willie Rhine’s “849” and then Del Shores’ “This Side of Crazy” @ the Palm Canyon Theatre.

12. Nov., 16 Early bday dinner @ “Kaiser Grill” w/ Fred & Linda Williamson and tiramisu!!!!

11. Nov., 13 Dinner and a show @ “Live” in Indian Wells w/ Wink and Sandy Martindale and Louie Comella…..radio talk or talk radio.  lol

10. Nov., 12 w/ Emcee and fellow star recipient Dan McGrath @ the P.S. Walk of the Stars dedication for Dr. Frank Ercoli.

9. Nov., 11 w/ Marty Wiviott @ the opening of “Bakersfield Mist” @ Ron Celona’s CVRep Theater.  Thoughtful, beautifully acted (by a husband and wife team) intriguing, a bit of a cliff-hanger and well-worth the watch.

8. Nov., 11 Commentating the Veteran’s Day Parade on the special podium built @ “Crazy Mel’s” by George and Paris.  GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

7. Nov., 11 – Happy Natal Day to Michael Childers.  Kudos on being the premier producer, icon, legend, friend to the community, art world, and the Universe that you are!!!  We are so blessed you were born.

6. Nov., 10.  Michael Childer’s BRILLIANT “One Night Only” @ the McCallum.  The definitive way to put on a show!!!! The best ever!!!! There just are NO WORDS!!! Benefiting Barbara Sinatra’s Children’s Center.  Buy your tickets for next year NOW!!!!

5. Nov., 5 – Attended the “branding party” for the new NHL Hockey Team, the C.V. Firebirds @ the Classic Club.  (photo courtesy of Pat Krause)

4. Nov., 4. Wonderful production of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch”, directed by Chuck Yates @ Robbie Wayne’s “Desert Rose Playhouse” w/ Marty Wiviott.

3. Nov., 3.  An evening with the fabulous Bruce Vilanch @ “Oscars”.  Still brilliant and funny after all these years!!!!

2. Nov., 3. Doing the “Laverne and Shirley” theme song entrance/dance w/ CINDY WILLIAMS @ ACT’s FREE Travel Club of the Desert.  Such an honor!!!

1. Nov., 2.  Palm Springs Walk of the Stars dedication for Terri Ketover.  One of the best ceremonies, EVER.


Rest in Peace
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