May 2021 Appearances
10. May 31, – Blessed Memorial Day. God Bless America.
9. May 29, – Legendary actress and now author, Ruta Lee on my show, talking about her book, “Consider Your Ass Kissed” signing on 5.30 from 2 to 4 PM @ “Just Fabulous”.
R.I.P. Gavin MacLeod, shown here on my show (2.28.31 – 5.29.21) and Singer/Songwriter B. J. Thomas (8.7.42 – 5.29.21)
8. May 22, – George Chakiris on my show talking about his book “My West Side Story” signing on 5.29 from 1 to 3 PM @ “Just Fabulous”.
7. May 15, – Armed Forces Day. God Bless America. Remember, “Freedom is not Free”. Signed into law by Pres. Truman in 1950.
6. May 15, – Happy Birthday Lainie Kazan.
5. May 14, – Michael’s P.S. Underground’s “Tribute to Trini Lopez” for his birthday 5.15 w/ the Gand Band, and movie producers of “My Name is Lopez”, P. David Ebersole and Todd Hughes (in photo). Great dinner from Chef David w/ D.O.H.C.’s Helene LeClair. AMAZING VENUE.
4. May 9, Tyler taking me to Mother’s Day Brunch @ the Trump Hotel’s “BLT” Restaurant. GREAT on sooo many levels!!!
3. May 7, Dinner @ “MAC 24-7” w/ Ty’s college roommate from N.M.M.I. and Hawaiian local, Fred.
2. May 7, Tiki Bar @ the Aston Waikiki w/ hosts Lalo Tachiquin and Steve Kanold of A.C.T. Tours; AND Ty @ the top of Diamond Head. (Hope you believe I HIKED UP THERE AND TOOK THE PHOTO) lol.
1. May 1, “May Day” in the Continental U.S. and “Lei Day” in Hawaii.