Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

cont. Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment “The Medicine Cabinet” – May 1, 2021

09:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment “The Medicine Cabinet”

Hello, hello Joey Pals;
Just to remind you, that even though I am doing my best to provide you up-to-date information, please check websites and phone numbers for the latest. Coronavirus Hotlines and Websites: Desert Oasis Healthcare www.mydohc.com (760) 969-6555; Eisenhower Health (760) 837-8988; DAP Health Triage Clinic (760) 992-0407. Be well and all the best. Blessings, Joey

DESERT OASIS HEALTHCARE w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– DISCUSSION of where to sign up to get tested. www.myturn.ca.gov and www.mydohc.com.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. has given 40,000 shots.
1. Does having a positive attitude when you get the vaccine make it work better? (Probably, being positive helps on many levels in many ways.)
– REPORT that the highest percentage of vaccinated folks are 65 and above. Younger folks are saddest cases. COVID-19 is so preventable. D.O.H.C. has vaccinated over 40,000 people in the Valley. www.myturn.ca.gov to get vaccinated.
2. What are the side effects of supplements? (Depends on which ones and who is taking them.)
3. Do supplements increase your risk of a stroke? (Again, depends on the health of the person taking them. Covid will increase your risk of stroke).
4. A home cure kit? (These are being developed and are going thru trials. May have these by the end of the year. Will be “by prescription”).
5. Los Angeles has stopped requesting vaccine? (They have done such a good job of vaccinating).
6. What will happen to me if I skip the 2nd shot? (You will still get a degree of efficacy of about 70%, versus 95% w/ both shots).
– REPORT on the “humor contest” @ D.O.H.C.
– TIPS for Kentucky Derby Day. Love of mint juleps. Vickie Oliver (female jockey) will be riding @ 50 to 1. His pick is Medina Spirit @ 5 to 1.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C. will celebrate their 40th anniversary by donating an extra $40,000. to valley non-profits. Barry Dayton will come on the show and tell us how to “vote”/participate, etc.
– REPORT that you can keep getting tested even after you have gotten vaccinated. Don’t have to be a D.O.H.C. member to use their sites.
(760) 969-6555)


Rest in Peace
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