Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

cont. Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment “The Medicine Cabinet – January 23, 2021

09:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Healthcare Segment “The Medicine Cabinet”

Hello, hello Joey Pals;
Just to remind you, that even though I am doing my best to provide you up-to-date information, please check websites and phone numbers for the latest. Coronavirus Hotlines and Websites: Desert Oasis Healthcare www.mydohc.com (760) 969-6555; Eisenhower Health (760) 837-8988; Desert AIDS Project Triage Clinic (760) 992-0407. Be well and all the best. Blessings, Joey

DESERT OASIS HEALTHCARE w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”.
Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– CONTINUE THE DISCUSSION of the questions from “Joey Pals”.
1. Can I eat, drink or smoke before I get my vaccine? (Again, be wary of items posted on the Internet. Not enough data to worry about these concerns. The benefits of getting the vaccine outweigh anything that causes you NOT to get it)
2. Why is Florida skipping many of the 2nd doses. (Because Pfiser and Moderna’s 1st shot gives you 60% efficacy even if you don’t get the 2nd shot).
3. “Joey Pal” Jim…is it truly a vaccine if there is no live virus in it? (Yes).
4. Is your sense of smell a better test than taking your temperature? (A test for your sense of smell is being developed. You might get a loss of sense of smell before you have a temperature).
– REPORT that we are seeing a decrease in testing. Testing mostly symptomatic patients. 300 positive cases in our local hospitals and staying an average of 14 days. 145 cases a day per 100,000 in Riverside County.
– REPORT the “One Shot” Johnson and Johnson Vaccine will be out next week.
– REPORT that by mid-Feb., March 1 we hope to have enough vaccine. Will be using school facilities, staff and nurses to help vaccinate EVERYONE.
– PROMOTION of the “Wear Red for Women” Day coming up Feb., 5th. Will be VIRTUAL “Wear Red for Women” Luncheon. 12 – 1. Details on the DOHC website.
– REPORT that Barry Dayton keeps the www.mydohc.com website updated.
(760) 969-6555)


Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Bob Newhart 9.5.29 – 7.18.24

R.I.P. Richard Simmons 7.12.48 – 7.13.24

R.I.P. Dr. Ruth 6.4.28 – 7.12.24

R.I.P. Jerry West. 5.28.38 – 6.12.24

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