Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Legal Segment – July 18, 2020

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 1 – Legal Segment

Hello, hello Joey Pals;
Just to remind you, that even though I am doing my best to provide you up-to-date information, please check websites and phone numbers for the latest. Coronavirus Hotlines and Websites: Desert Oasis Healthcare www.mydohc.com (760) 969-6555; Eisenhower Health (760) 837-8988; Desert AIDS Project Triage Clinic (760) 992-0407. Be well and all the best. Blessings, Joey

Click HERE for information about COVID-19 from Desert Oasis Healthcare and the Centers for Disease Control.

MARTORELLA LAW w/ Daniel Martorella 1775 E. Palm Cyn., Dr. Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
– REPORT that courts are still “closed” for the most part, probably until the 24th. Taking emergency measures only and all have various schedules. Courts are considered an “essential” business. Zoom/tech secure procedures that are in place.
– DISCUSSION that a “Joey Pal” wants to know if he can get an exemption to wearing a mask for health reasons.
– DISCUSSION that COVID-19 is possibly considered a biological weapon. Possible criminal or civil liability. Difficult to prove. Similar to STD issues.
– REPORT that mail fraud is on the rise is this Pandemic. Mail is being stolen, packages taken from porches etc., Home invasions on the rise. Thieves are completely removing the “Ring” device from your front door.
– DISCUSSION of concerns that some judges are biased.
www.auora.com where you can post questions to Dan and Everyday Legal Talk.
Email: dam@nullmartorallalaw.com
(760) 324-3212)


Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Bob Newhart 9.5.29 – 7.18.24

R.I.P. Richard Simmons 7.12.48 – 7.13.24

R.I.P. Dr. Ruth 6.4.28 – 7.12.24

R.I.P. Jerry West. 5.28.38 – 6.12.24

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