Technology Segment – December 1, 2018
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 2 – Technology Segment
INFORMATICA TECHNOLOGY w/ Adrian Sifuentes re: An Apple certified consultant.
– Discussion of safety features for your passwords. Multiple passwords protect your from being hacked.
– Anything that goes to the Internet thru your email can be SEEN. Your password and all your emails can be seen.
– Discussion of software as being a good thing and malware is not. Can be a virus and can hi-jack your Browser. Use “preview” lines w/out having to open an email.
– Discussion of the new Mac Book Air and the Mac Book Mini.
– Check out what your Browser knows @ A demonstration of all the date your browser knows ABOUT YOU. Can be accessed w/out asking for your permission.
(760) 895-2785)