Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

“Go Green” Segment – December 1, 2018

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 1 – “Go Green” Segment

DESERT WATER AGENCY w/ Xochitl Pena re: 1200 S. Gene Autry Trail, Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
– Turn your sprinklers off for 48 hours after a rain.
– Get a “smart controller” and it will shut off for you.
– You can control your sprinklers from your Smart Phone.
– Coupons on the website for discounts on many services and products.
– March, 2019 – Butterfly Garden public event.
– Kudos to Rodney Butler, DWA’s customer service rep.
– She’s the outreach specialists.
(760) 323-4971)
RENOVA ENERGY w/ Matthew McPherson re: Senior Energy Consultant @ 75-181 Mediterranean Ave., Palm Desert, CA. 92211.
– Installations need to happen before the end of March, because Edison might be allowed to change the time of “use of rate” structure. Batteries are one option to offset this.
– In the month of December there’s a $500. Credit off a system for “Joey Pals” who mention the show when they purchase a system. Three months after signing of contract to completed installation of the system.
– Discussion of the benefits of the Tesla Power Wall to augment your existing or new solar system.
– 2019 Solar Tax credit goes away the end of March.
(760) 568-3413)

Xochitl & Matthew


Rest in Peace
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