Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Technology/Cannabis Segment – April 7, 2018

11:00-12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 2 – Technology/Cannabis Segment

Adrian Sifuentes
– Biggest computer issues are security based.
– People don’t understand computer basics. A chromebook is an Apple product that will be easy for folks that are not computer literate to understand.
– His ability to solve computer, wi-fi, etc. issues on your property.
– Discussion of buying cannabis on line etc., Products w/ cannabis.
– Expert in Apple Technologies.
(760) 895-2785)

Josh Starer
– Cannabis oil that has THC in it is not necessarily legal in all states @ this point in time.
– THC is the ingredient that gets someone high.
– CBD oil is not controlled by government regulations. But perhaps to avoid CBD oil made in China. It is good for topical aches and pains, to increase your appetite, to help w/ nausea, it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, anti-cancer. Atomic Budz carries the CBD oil w/ no hallucinogenic effects.
– Atomic Budz is in the great GREEN psychedelic on the south side of Perez Road in Cathedral City….include cannabis products in water, chocolate, etc., Delivery service.
– Cannabis Oil can be bought w/out a prescription in all 50 states.
– On Jan., 1st CA. recognized the right of citizens to have both medicinal and recreational use of cannabis.
– The law is that there are 2 kinds of recommendations….one from a doctor, two from the state of CA. state issued ID. Then you can forgo some taxes…but you cannot own a gun in the state of CA.
(760) 322-4481

Adrian and Josh

Rest in Peace
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