November Appearances 2023

14. R.I.P. Henry Kissinger 5.27.1923 – 11.29.2023. Thank you for loving America so much.

13. Sonny Cool Cat pppuuuurrring (or howling) at a Moon Halo. Lovely shot.

12. “Talk of Stars” on the show w/ “Family Affair’s” Cissy, Kathy Garver.

11. Nov., 23 – From our home to your…Happy Thanksgiving.

10. Nov., 17 – Grateful for the radio show turning 28 and my turning 78. Thank God for all the blessings.

9. Nov., 16 – With Marty Wiviott, celebrating our Scorpio birthdays (mine the 17th and Marty’s the 18th) @ Melvyns. Amazing dinner AND cherries jubliee!!!!

8. Nov., 16 – Michelle and the “Red Hat Ladies” visiting my studio.

7. RIP for an “Original (On so many levels) Media Maven” Janet Elizabeth Newcomb. (in the aqua blue blouse) 4.15.45 – 11.16.23.

6. Nov., 15 – With host Don Genhart after speaking @ Sun City Republican Club.

5. Nov., 11, So honored to commentate the Veteran’s Day Parade from Todd Flood’s “Maracas” on behalf of the American Legion Post 519. God Bless America.

4. Nov., 10 – Palm Canyon Theatre’s production of “Rent”. Really well done.

3. Nov., 8 – Michael Childer’s amazing “One Night Only” w/ Marty Wiviott. Magical.

2. Nov., 2012, great memories of being the Celebrity Grand Marshall of the Pride Parade.

1. Nov., 5, Pride Parade Grand Marshall, the Legendary Gypsy.