October Appearances 2023

#10 – BOO!!!! and HAPPY “HOWL-OWEEN” from the “Red Witch”. Was there EVER any doubt?

# 9 – R.I.P. Matthew Perry. Heaven must be “friendlier” now. 8.19.69 – 10.28.23.

#8 – RIP Richard Roundtree/”Shaft” 7.9.42 – 10.24.23.

#7 – 10.20.13 Palm Springs Walk of the Stars dedication of a Star for treasured Leslie Jordan. Our “Sordid Lives” are so lonely w/out him.

#6 – 10.18.13 My Mother, Lucy Armstrong Marquis, (here w/ my son Tyler back in 2003) would be 110 today.

#5 – 10.16.23 – Hilarious Sandra Bernhard “and a bit of a giggle” w/ Mr. Community (Steve Henke) @ Oscars of course!!!!

#4 – R.I.P. Suzanne Somers, actress, author, singer, businesswoman, health spokesperson and Mesa neighbor for so long. 10.16.46 – 10.15.23.

#3 – Fri., Oct., 13 – Triskaidekaphobia Day. F.Y.I. Fear of Fri. the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia.

#2 – Mon. Oct., 9 “Indigenous Peoples Day” especially poignant here in the Coachella Valley.

#1. Wed., Oct., 4, CVRep’s Executive Artistic Director Adam Karsten sharing the incredible new season w/ Steve Kanold’s ACT’s FREE “Travel Club of the Desert”. www.cvrep.org.