Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

May 2022 Appearances

8. Ruta Lee’s Happy Bday w/ Joey, Marty, Roni and Toni @ Willie Rhine’s “849”.  Food, fun, festivities, “family” and fellowship!!!
7. Happy Memorial Day!!!  Remember “Freedom is NOT Free”.  God Bless America!!
6. Tyler’s bday and my “rest day” w/ Steve Kanold’s ACT tour to Puerto Vallarta. w/ gal pal Cindy Williams (here w/ Lalo Tachiquin).  Gracias Steve.
5. Great lunch w/ Richard de Santis @ Willie Rhine’s “1509”.  Food, fun and fellowship.
4. Animal Samaritans honored “Sonny Cool Cat” in their “Happy Tails Adoption Update”.  Puuurrrrffect.
3. 5.5 – R.I.P. Cheeta the Chimp.  Loved those Tarzan Movies you starred in.  Blessings to your long-time “keeper”/friend/”father” Dan Westfall.
2. 5.8 – Happy Mother’s Day.  My Mother and me on the Ranch in 1946. ALL of us had one and SOME of us are one. AND….some Father’s serve as the moms in the house too. Blessings.
1. 5.1 – The R.A.T. (Radio’s A-Team) PACK, Wink Martindale, Joey English and Dan McGrath. Sunday brunch @ Todd Flood’s “J.T.’S DINER” on Cook Street.  Try the amazing croissant french toast!!!!
Rest in Peace
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