Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

City of Palm Springs Segment – April 25, 2020

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 2 – City of Palm Springs Segment

Hello, hello Joey Pals;
Just to remind you, that even though I am doing my best to provide you up-to-date information, please check websites and phone numbers for the latest. Coronavirus Hotlines and Websites: Desert Oasis Healthcare www.mydohc.com; Eisenhower Health (760) 837-8988; Desert AIDS Project Triage Clinic (760) 992-0407. Be well and all the best. Blessings, Joey

Click HERE for information about COVID-19 from Desert Oasis Healthcare and the Centers for Disease Control.

PALM SPRINGS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE w/ Nona Watson re: C.E.O. 190 W. Amado Rd., Palm Springs, CA. 92262.
– REPORT that the Chamber is working each day, visiting members and checking on what the Chamber can do to help members thru this time. They can eblast any info for your businesses.
– DISCUSSION of them helping w/ the paperwork necessary to apply for loans. Lots on-line/Zoom, etc. Spanish speaking help available.
– REPORT that she is on the City’s taskforce for re-opening the City.
– DISCUSSION of the Chamber’s Tuesday luncheons that are now on Zoom. April is featuring Sherman’s Deli.
– REPORT that visitors are downsizing their hotel/motel reservations as we get ready to reopen.
(760) 325-1577)


“MR. COMMUNITY”/DESERT AIDS PROJECT w/ Steven Henke re: 1695 N. Sunrise Way, Palm Springs, CA. 92262.
– REPORT on Zoom meetings and the aesthetics of same….i.e. lighting, dress, makeup, camera angles.
– DISCUSSION that 5/5 is “#GivingTuesdayNow”. “Food is Love”. Order from any valley restaurant for Take Out, Give Back.
– REPORT that DAP is delivering food to the most vulnerable patients @ home. Help donate to this @ www.desertaidsproject.org and the COVID-19 fund.
– REPORT that DAP’s Triage Clinic is (760) 992-0407.
– REPORT on how Revivals is still servicing DAP’s clients.
(760) 992-0407)


Rest in Peace

R.I.P. Bob Newhart 9.5.29 – 7.18.24

R.I.P. Richard Simmons 7.12.48 – 7.13.24

R.I.P. Dr. Ruth 6.4.28 – 7.12.24

R.I.P. Jerry West. 5.28.38 – 6.12.24

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