Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

“Go Green” Segment – February 2, 2019

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 1 – “Go Green” Segment

DESERT WATER AGENCY w/ Xochitl Pena re: 1200 S. Gene Autry Tr., Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
– DISCUSSION of how to report water waste. You can report and remain anonymous either by phone or on the website.
– Smart Controllers from DWA have rebates. Senses when it WILL RAIN and shuts off the sprinklers by itself. Can be operated from your cell phone.
– Rebates on toilets. $100. Cost for a toilet and $100. rebate, so do this sooner.
– Rebates for car washes w/ coupons on the website.
– Turf “by-back” program. Rebates if you get rid of grass and put in desert landscaping. $1. Per sq. foot up to 1500 sq. feet. Artificial turf qualifies for desert landscape also.
– Giving away tickets to Modernism Week events that have to do w/ landscaping.
(760) 323-4971)


Rest in Peace
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