Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Technology Segment – November 3, 2018

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 2 – Technology Segment

INFORMATICA TECHNOLOGY w/ Adrian Sifuentes re: An apple certified consultant and has a network certification.
– ?Why do emails come back? Usually because it’s a typo in the email address. Auto-suggest will also remember the wrong address. Sometimes the recipient has a program that prevents your email from getting through.
– Discussion of his new apple watch as a birthday present to himself. It’s a phone w/ an interactive screen, he can control his home lights, etc., it’s a computer and so much more.
– Web browsers remember everywhere you have been. Stored in cookies. Secure sites have a “lock” on the web browser, making it secure.
– As you get ready for the Holidays w/ shopping and cards etc., call Adrian when you get in trouble.
(760) 895-2785)


Rest in Peace
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