Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

“Fly High Living” Segment – September 15, 2018

09:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 2 – “Fly High Living” Segment

FLY HIGH LIVING w/ Laura Meeks re: Life Coaching.
– Time to get your life together.
– Discussion of her 4-week course called “Flight Plan for Life”. It is at least 1 hour per week of personal coaching by phone w/ Laura; plus a recorded “flight plan”/life mission statement for you to have and refer to forever; cost is $249. for the entire course.
– There are follow up courses after “Fly High Living”.
– “What you Say, you Play”.
– “Fly High Living” course is a great gift idea and you can register on the website.
(888) 666-1570)


Rest in Peace
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