Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Public Service Segment – June 16, 2018

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 1 – Public Service Segment

Don Escalante re: Emergency shortage of blood in the Coachella Valley.
– They are the exclusive supplier of blood to all Valley hospitals and they have only about 1 day supply left for routine needs.
– Takes an hour or less and your blood can save up to three lives.
– Annually here in the CV we need 20,000 pints over a year or 60 to 65 pints a day. We are only collecting 30 to 35 pints a day.
– Fixed donation site in L.Q.; (open 7 days a week) (760) 777-8844.
– Mobile Drives several times a week all over the Valley.
– Donors have to be @ least 15 years of age, under 18 requires a signed parental form, weigh @ least 110 lbs, and have to feel well the day of donation. Certain medications, physical conditions and travel experiences are noted too. THEY WILL GIVE YOU YOUR BLOOD TYPE WHEN YOU DONATE!!!!
– “Give hope, give life, give blood”.
(760) 777-8844


Rest in Peace
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