“Go Green” Segment
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Hour 3 Seg 1 – “Go Green” Segment
Ashley Metzger
– Stay hydrated in the heat, especially when celebrating Cinco de Mayo.
– Watering yards/plants for smaller times, several times a day is better. Less run-off too.
– Watering @ night is ok too.
– Smart controllers from DWA have a weather station of sorts to “sense” when to turn off your system. $100. Rebate on the controller and $100. Rebate on the installation of the meter.
– This year was a very dry year….but we have a lot of water in storage from 2017….but bills may go up in July as part of the 5 year rate increase plan.
– Work on pipelines, take care when you spot the crews working. A stretch of Ramon will be repaired during the Summer.
– Butterfly Gardens is a project w/ P.S.H.S. and DWA and painted it, 40 feet wide in front of the building. P.S.H.S. garden club came out and planted in front of the art work @ DWA on Date Palm.
Matthew McPherson
– Utility bills will go up this summer.
– Lead time for installation of solar now is about 2 to 3 months.
– Actual installation is 3 to 4 days, but there’s paperwork for HOA, Cities, etc.,
– 5 X 3 foot panels by SunPower. All black that look nice, like a black skylight. Solar Rights Act of CA. protects folks from HOA restrictions.
– Everyone who comes into your home to sell you anything, MUST HAVE A Home Improvement Sales Persons License. (HIS license)
– Cut your electric bills right out of the box and for no money down.
(760) 568-3413