Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Photos from August 2016 Appearances


CELEBRATING ANYTHING #17 – w/Dan McGrath and Fred “The Hammer” and Linda Williamson @ “Alibi Azul” Aug. 2


Trio w/Ruta Lee, Pat Riley Aug. 8, 2016

Alfie's Star party @ 849 w/ "Hollywood Squares" producer Gary Damsker, "Aerial Trampway", Joey and Ruta Lee. Aug. 10

Alfie’s Star party @ 849 w/Hollywood Squares producer Gary Damsker, “Aerial Trampway”, Joey and Ruta Lee. Aug 10


Many thanks to Ric and Rozene Supple, for decades of serving the Coachella Valley, as KPSI and KWXY went off the air on Aug.,12 and to all my “Joey Pals” for the emails and phone calls who remembered where I began radio 21 years ago.


Happy Birthday Aug. 14 to Steve Martin.


GREAT GUESTS THIS WEEK…Photo of P.S. Life’s Kent Black, Ice Skater/Jewelry Designer Shepherd Clark, Mayor Robert Moon, A.C.T. Tours’ Steve Kanold….the “usual suspects”


Joined the incomparable Ruta Lee and our galfriend Ronni to “en-joey” the fish and chips along w/the music of Bill Marx @ A.J.’s on the Green. Aug. 22.

joey's new jeep

“Joey Red” Jeep Renegade from Crystal Chrysler.

crystal Chrysler mgr craig

Joey with Craig @ Crystal Chrysler.


VIP “Comic-Con” party @ LuLu’s Aug. 25 w/Mayor Robert Moon and publisher Steven Biller


VIP “Comic-Con” party @ LuLu’s Aug., 25 w/G.M. Chris and Fred “the Hammer” doing their version of “ebony and ivory”.


P.S. Walk of Stars pre-party for Alfie Aug. 28. Photo courtesy of Kervin Thomas.


P.S. Walk of Stars Candidates Alfie and Fleet w/ Joey (Star #139) @ Fleet’s Star-Funding party Aug. 28. Photo courtesy of KMIR’s David Reese.


“Puttin’ On the Ritz” w/the talented genius of Karen Barone @ Tony and Karen’s new installation @ the Ritz Carlton. Aug. 30, 2016

Angel's game Aug.,31. w/ Helene LeClair of Desert Oasis Health Care.

Angel’s game Aug. 31 w/Helene LeClair of Desert Oasis Health Care.

Rest in Peace
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