cont. Travel Segment – February 18, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 5 Seg 3 – cont. Travel Segment
A.C.T. TOURS w/ Steve Kanold re: 555 S. Sunrise Way, #219, Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
– REPORT that ACT still has tickets on Saturday March 26 to the matinee of “Hamilton” @ the Hollywood Pantages before it leaves the end of March.
– REPORT on the trip to Holland….the Tulip Festival. March into April, 2022 for $2495. Including air!!!!
– HOLD THE DATE; April, 2022 to New York Theatre. Stay @ the Crown Plaza and all the great seats for the shows. Put down a deposit now of $300. To save your space. Same masks and vaccination rules. “Plaza Suite”, “Mrs. Doubtfire”, “Tina”, “Moulin Rouge” etc.
– HOLD THE DATE; May 20 – 27 America’s Music Cities; Nashville, Memphis and New Orleans.
– HOLD THE DATE: Aug., 12 – 19 Eastern Canada Explorer; Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls.
– HOLD THE DATE: Aug., 13 Cape Cod & the Islands.
– HOLD THE DATE: Sept., 25 Great Trains & Grand Canyons.
– HOLD THE DATE: Nov., 5 – The Magnolia Trail & the Heart of Texas.
– HOLD THE DATE: Nov., 29 Music Cities Christmas; featuring Branson, Memphis & Nashville.
– REPORT on some of the tours coming up;
– REPORT on day tours: Ronald Reagan Library, the New Motion Picture Academy, the new Van Gogh Exhibition.
– REPORT on the fact that he creates tours that people ask for. i.e. Galapagos for $2995. including air.
– REPORT on Steve’s book “Globetrots, You didn’t tell me there’d be walking on this tour.” Get it @ Amazon, OR call ACT and get a signed copy and you’ll get gift certificate for tours @ ACT.
– (contact info: www.act-tours.com and (760) 322-1247).

“Talk of Stars” Segment – February 17, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 4 Seg 1 – “Talk of Stars” Segment
TALK OF STARS w/ Andrew Neiderman re: Most Successful Ghost Writer in American Literary History. Playwright, film and television series developer, lecturer, and SO MUCH MORE!!!
– DISCUSSION of his childhood, family and background. www.neiderman.com.

cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment – February 17, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 4 Seg 2 – cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment
TALK OF STARS w/ Andrew Neiderman re: Most Successful Ghost Writer in American Literary History. Playwright, film and television series developer, lecturer, and SO MUCH MORE!!!
– DISCUSSION of his incredible career. www.neiderman.com.

cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment – February 17, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 4 Seg 3 – cont. “Talk of Stars” Segment
TALK OF STARS w/ Andrew Neiderman re: Most Successful Ghost Writer in American Literary History. Playwright, film and television series developer, lecturer, and SO MUCH MORE!!!
– DISCUSSION of his future projects, books, movies, musicals etc. www.neiderman.com.

The Woman Beyond the Attic
D.O.H.C. Women’s Segment – February 16, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 3 Seg 1 – D.O.H.C. Women’s Segment
DESERT OASIS HEALTH CARE w/ Cathy Allison re: Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Mental Health Therapist @ D.O.H.C. Behavioral Health where she is a Master Level Clinician. 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”.
1. Traditionally considered a “man’s disease”.
2. Heart disease “presents” differently in men and women.
3. In Feb., women should schedule all those check-ups appointments.
4. Women handle pain differently than men and don’t respond as quickly to symptoms.
5. Time to “shed” the stress levels. Best way to do that is to have FREE time. Movement removes tension and can create relaxation.
– REPORT on a grounding intervention called 5,4,3,2,1. Using all your senses. 1.) Find 5 colors. 2.) Feel 4 different surfaces. 3.) Hear 3 different sounds. 4.) Smell 2 different things. 5.) Taste 1 things. This takes your out of your whirlpool of worries.
– REPORT that you should clasp your hands with one thumb on top, then re-clasp your hands with the other thumb on top. This creates a new neuropathway. Also can be done w/ your arms.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-5277).

Tribal Segment – February 16, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 3 Seg 2 – Tribal Segment
PALM SPRINGS MOUNTED POLICE/SEARCH AND RESCUE w/ Chris Castro re: Tribal Ranger and “on call” for Search and Rescue.
– REPORT that the unit has been around since 1949 and is a reserved unit of the P.S. Police.
– REPORT that they don’t use horses anymore. You had to have your own horse then.
– REPORT that they are all volunteers.
– DISCUSSION that when the call come in, they set up a search team. Cell phones help to locate lost hikers, etc. Sometimes use aviation units.
– REPORT on how they “hoist” the lost person, possibly hurt, dehydrated, etc., They stabilize the person then airlift them to safety.
– DISCUSSION of the “screamer suit” that is used to hoist folks back up into the copter. Fly them back to a triage center.
– REPORT that they do public relations @ the trail heads to give the public safety information etc., i.e. water, cell phones, property shoes, property clothing, knowing where they are, etc.
– REPORT on all the support from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians!!!
– DISCUSSION of how they have even rescued animals!!!
– DISCUSSION of his duties as a tribal ranger.
– (contact info: FB PAGE. Palm Springs Mounted Police Search and Rescue and call 911.).

cont. “Legal Eagle” Segment – February 16, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 3 Seg 3 – cont. “Legal Eagle” Segment
LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT L. FIRTH w/ Robert Firth re: 68910 Adelina Road, Cathedral City, CA. 92234.
– DISCUSSION of where his office is located.
1. How can I prove where/how I got Covid? (Almost impossible to do due to the time element involved. Almost impossible to “prove”)
2. What are the laws concerning the new “pedestrian” crossing lights? (If the car behind hits you while you are stopped, THE CAR BEHIND YOU IS ALWAYS AT FAULT).
– DISCUSSION of the development and definition of contributory negligence.
– REPORT that his practice/expertise is in Estate Planning, Probate and Bankruptcy.
– (contact info: www.firthlaw.com and (760) 770-4066).

Home/Design Segment – February 15, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 1 – Home/Design Segment
FOLEY & STINNETTE INTERIOR DESIGN w/ Dann Foley re: 1091 N. Palm Cyn., Dr., Palm Springs, CA.
– DISCUSSION of Dann’s mission statement and how he has been in business for 35 years. Dann says that 2021 was the busiest year yet.
– REPORT that he has been approached by a magazine to report on what to expect for Spring.
– DISCUSSION that people seem to want COLOR in their lives now.
– DISCUSSION of HOW to add color to your home in the right way.
– DISCUSSION of how Dann helps his clients get their homes ready for Springs….WITH/BY CLEANING TIPS. i.e. Clean your entrance/front door, etc.
– DISCUSSION that the Joey English Show gives away a $250. 1 hour FREE consultation in Thursday’s “Get Fit and Make Over” Treasure Chest.
– REPORT on how to take all your accessories/pictures etc., out of your room and put them back in a different way.
– DISCUSSION that Dann can really tell a lot about a client by checking out the master closet. lol
– (contact info: www.foleystinnette.com and (760) 322-2268).

Legal Segment – February 15, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 2 – Legal Segment
MARTORELLA LAW GROUP w/ Dan Martorella re: 1775 E. Palm Cyn., Dr. Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
-DISCUSSION on Dan’s legal history representing the descendants of the Titanic.
– REPORT on the consequences of drinking and driving in the traditional sense, BUT if you are walking w/ your car keys in your possession you ARE GUILTY OF DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE.
– DISCUSSION of a new site for transportation called “FLEX”.
– DISCUSSION that if you are sleeping it off in your car that can also be DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE.
– REPORT that a police officer can determine that you are unfit to drive simply by his own observations.
– REPORT that defending a D.U.I. can cost up to $15,000. Plus fines, license suspension, can affect your work etc.,
– REPORT that if you are stopped for a broken taillight for example….the police MAY NOT open your trunk w/out a search warrant.
– (contact info; email: dam@nullmartorellalaw.com and (760) 324-3212).

cont. Legal Segment. – February 15, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM
Hour 2 Seg 3 – cont. Legal Segment
MARTORELLA LAW GROUP w/ Dan Martorella re: 1775 E. Palm Cyn., Dr. Palm Springs, CA. 92264.
– THEME; Parent’s Liability for their children.
– DISCUSSION that parents/adults are responsible for their minor children in civil matters.
– DISCUSSION that parents/adults CAN be responsible for their minor children in criminal matters.
– DISCUSSION is about the “recklessness” of the parent’s conduct. We are looking to curb gun violence in this country.
– DISCUSSION that when you sue someone that a Civil Trial. When the state charges you that’s a Criminal Trial.
– UPDATE on the Titanic. The bacteria that is eating up the iron of the ship.
– (contact info; email: dam@nullmartorellalaw.com and (760) 324-3212).
