Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!


Palm Springs International Airport Segment -February 23, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 3 Seg 2 – Palm Springs International Airport Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 2

PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT w/ Daniel Meier re: Deputy Director of Aviation, Marketing & Air Service @ Palm Springs International Airport.
– DISCUSSION of Swoop Airlines has announced they are converting their seasonal service between P.S. and Edmonton to year-round service. Tickets are already on sale @ www.flyswoop.com.
– DISCUSSION of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
– REPORT on the continued growth of travel into and out of the Airport.
– REPORT that we need more ticket counters, terminal facilities, restaurants, etc.
– Alaska Airlines running non-stop between Austin, Texas and Palm Springs (5 flights a week, except Tues., and Sat.,) extended until June 1, 2022.
– REPORT they are requesting new local businesses to apply to come INTO THE AIRPORT.
– (contact info: www.flypsp.com and (760) 318-3800.).


DAP Health/Revivals Segment – February 23, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 3 Seg 3 – DAP Health/Revivals Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 3

MR. COMMUNITY w/ Steven Henke re: 68910 Adelina Road, Cathedral City, CA. 92234.
– REPORT on the opening of “Willies” in Rancho Mirage. 
– DAP HEALTH MAGAZINE just did a photo shoot of DAPHealth Employees in fashions from Revivals. Trying to educate folks about the amount of water that is used to create textiles, clothing, shoes, etc.
– REPORT that Revivals only puts items out for sale unless the item is in perfect condition.
– REPORT on the 4 Revivals; Palm Springs (Joey’s), Cathedral City, Palm Desert and Indio.
– REPORT on the Annette Bloch tribute, by invitation only.  Go to www.daphealth.org for details.
– (contact info: www.daphealth.org) .


Sports Segment – February 22, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 1 – Sports Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 1

KELLY’S CORNER” w/ Steve Kelly. re:
– DISCUSSION that 2.22 is technically George Washington’s birthday.  Margarita Day and Family Day.
– REPORT on the Rams and the Super Bowl. How the Rams won their first Super Bowl in Los Angeles @ SoFi Stadium.
– REPORT on the Olympics and the level of coverage by NBC. i.e. NHL players didn’t go, etc.,
– REPORT on major league baseball negotiations w/ the players.  Major league baseball took over the minor leagues last year. Threatening economic conditions in Arizona and Florida.
– REPORT on revenue changing in the sports world.
– REPORT on Football.  Concern for professional football players health.
– REPORT on Tennis; the PNB will begin in 8 weeks. Will Novak Djokovic, the number one player in the world, who is unvaccinated, be allowed into California.
– REPORT on the NHL “Firebirds” coming to the Coachella Valley.
– (contact info: To be announced.)


Ovier Alvarez Group Segment – February 22, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 2 – Ovier Alvarez Group Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 2

OVIER GROUP w/ Ovier Alvarez. re: 1081 N. Palm Canyon, Palm Springs, CA.   
– REPORT on his mission statement; to help his clients, especially his few migrant families (who may not speak English), to find and finance a home.
– REPORT that he came to America in 2004 and grew up in Pasadena. 
– REPORT that he really helps by serving as translator between his clients and the real estate entity, especially when it comes to the DOCUMENTS.
– REPORT on he wants to specialize in serving in a compassionate manner to the community.
– REPORT that he is willing to dedicate his time and to serve a client who may not have much money.
– REPORT that he needs listings or information about any aspect of real estate he will help.
– (contact info: www.coldwellbankerhomes.com and (760) 325-4500.)


cont. Sports Segment – February 22, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 3 – cont. Sports Segment

Hour 2 Seg 3

”KELLY’S CORNER” w/ Steve Kelly. re:
– REPORT on the new Firebird Hockey Team coming to the C.V. and the new facility being built for them as well as concerts, @ the Acrisure Arena….out of Grand Rapids Michigan, the home of the President Gerald R. Ford Museum and there is an arena there too, the Grand Rapids Griffins.
– REPORT on a Soccer Team w/ a huge stadium in London that has a deal w/ the NFL to play a few football games there a year.  The team would have to have a US base too.
– DISCUSSION that EVERY NFL LICENESED PRODUCT that is sold has the proceeds divided 31 WAYS to all the NFL teams!!!
– REPORT that the name Firebird and it’s Native American connection. The new area will hold 10,000.
– REPORT that Steve worked for the NHL.
– DISCUSSION of all the events that will probably be held in the new Arena. How the ice for hockey is handled when other events need to be held “over” it.
– REPORT that the USFL may come back w/ 8 teams in a couple of weeks. Fox Sports owns half of it.
– (contact info: To be announced).


“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – February 21, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 1

RESTAURANT OF THE WEEK w/ Marty Webster re: “Aspen Mills”. 1.) 555 S. Sunrise Way, P.S. 92264. (since 1995)
2.) Inside Clarks Nutrition Café @ 34175 Monterey Ave., R. M., 92270; 3.) 46-520 Washington St., La Quinta; 4.) Rancho Mirage Library @ 71-100 Hwy., 111, Rancho Mirage. 5.) NEW Café in the “Create Center” in Palm Desert.
– REPORT on the specials he does for St. Patrick’s Day and Easter…i.e. Irish soda bread, Challah.
– REPORT on the 5 pies he’ll do for Easter.
– REPORT that they can do dinner rolls OUT OF ANY OF THE BREAD RECIPES.
– DISCUSSION of the tuna salad that was voted “Best in the Valley” by P.S. Life Magazine.
– REPORT – All locations are open normal hours, open @ 7 AM. All are closed on Sundays. Can dine inside and out @ all locations too. Still take-out of course.
– REPORT on the 5 different salads.
– REPORT on the 30 different kinds of breads. No preservatives in any of their breads. Any bread “flavor” can be made into rolls. MAKE GREAT GIFTS.
– REPORT on the different sandwiches.
– REPORT on the muffins, cookies, round cakes, brownies, low carb breads, etc.
– REPORT on the sandwich trays for any time. Can do kids size of sandwich too.
– REPORT on how to order by phone, email etc., THEY DELIVER.
– DISCUSSION that everything is made from scratch w/ real butter, etc. The baking goes on around the clock.
– REPORT that he’s been open since 1995.
– (contact info: www.aspenmillsbakery.com and (760) 323-3123).


Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – February 21, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 2

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– DISCUSSION that Brian has said Covid is “under more control” now and the last surge will be over by the end of Feb.
– REPORT that the scourge is declining.  Hospitalizations are low.
– REPORT in 978,000 deaths to Covid. In excess deaths of 1.1 million deaths to Covid since the Pandemic started. Increases in deaths are from car accidents, etc.
– REPORT that as of March 31, half of the entire world population will HAVE HAD A COVID INFECTION.
– DISCUSSION that ONCE you have had Covid ONCE and recovered it reduces your risk ONLY BY 56% to get it again.
– REPORT that 80 million Americans have had Covid. 210 million Americans are vaccinated. We are SECOND in the world, behind only Brazil, in Covid cases.    
– REPORT that Covid cause a loss of 2 years of American’s life expectancy.
– DISCUSSION of the 5 things D.O.H.C. is focusing on going forward; 1. Vaccinations  2. Masks  3. 2 shot protective treatment  4.  Rapid test 5. If you are sick, testing and treating you.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).

Dr. Brian

cont. “Medicine Cabinet” w/ Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – February 21, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. “Medicine Cabinet” w/ Desert Oasis Health Care Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 3

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Leads the COVID-10 Taskforce.
– ‘THE MEDICINE CABINET” Questions from “Joey Pals”.
1. One way masks?. (You should use a KN95 or N95 but bandanas etc. are NO GOOD
2. Are there over-the-counter preparations that will prevent Covid? (No, but things such as Vit., D do boost your immune system and help.)
– REPORT that 75% of those who died of Covid had 4 MAJOR HEALTH RISK FACTORS.
3. Will Superbowl cause a huge increase in cases. (Probably not, outdoor event.)
3. I am going to have some fillers put in my face, why can’t I do this around my vaccination or booster time? (The vaccines and booster “attack” strange potions in your body for a short time, even the fillers.)
– REPORT that Brian hopes this virus will become more “flu-like” in the next few months.
– HOLD THE DATE for “Go-Red Luncheon” on April 7 Gala @ Mission Hills.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).

Dr. Brian

Travel Segment – Mike Thompson RV Segment – February 18, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 5 Seg 1 – Travel Segment – Mike Thompson RV Segment

Listen to Hour 5 Seg 1

MIKE THOMPSON RV w/ Sher Lyckman. Store Manager – 68318 E. Palm Cyn., Dr., Hwy 111, Cathedral City, CA. 92234.
– REPORT on her new commercial w/ an Olympic theme.
– DISCUSSION of who is buying RV’s.  Folks who want to just travel in them to retired folks who want to live in them permanently.
– DISCUSSION of some folks going “off grid”.
– REPORT that many folks live and WORK in their RV.
– REPORT on the great deals she is giving on trade-ins now. Best used selection in a long time.
– REPORT that the local population has become a bigger sector of the RV business.
– DISCUSSION of how successful Mike Thompson is EVERY MONTH and as more folks get out there into the “campgrounds of life” LOVE it, demand goes up.
– REPORT they are open 7 days a week from 9 AM to 5 PM. Sundays from 10 AM to 5 PM.
– REPORT that she’ll buy, consign, trade ANYTHING!!!
She’ll ALWAYS provides “customer delight”.
– Contact info: www.mikethompson.com and (760) 324-3651).


“Spiritual” Travel Segment – February 18, 2022

5:00 – 6:00 AM and 9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 5 Seg 2 – “Spiritual” Travel Segment

Listen to Hour 5 Seg 2

LALO VISIONS w/ Lalo Tachiquin re: Clairvoyant from “Casa Del Monte” in Yucca Valley.
– DEFINITON of Lalo’s “gift” of psychic abilities and communing w/ angels to pass on messages to the living. He’s a spiritual healer, clairvoyant and psychic reader. He hears and sees things.
– DISCUSSION of the fact that most folks come to Lalo for guidance about finances.
– REPORT that God assigns an angel to everyone when they are born.
– REPORT that Nigel’s new baby will be a happy, healthy BOY named Elgin.
– DISCUSSION of how he “sees” people being betrayed in their own companys.
– Lalo’s office is “PATROLED BY ANGELS”.
– REPORT on how Lalo sees “spots” when things are going wrong physically and he tells them.
– REPORT on Lalo’s comforting 90-minute spiritual readings for only $95. up in beautiful Yucca Valley. GREAT GIFT IDEA for Valentine’s, Mother’s Day, Birthdays etc..
– (contact info; www.lalovisions.com and (760) 401-1810.)


Rest in Peace
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