2025 Reviews
2. Fri., Feb., 7 w/ Marty Wiviott for the Palm Cyn. Theatre’s production of “My Fair Lady”. Outstanding performances on every level by Mark Almy (Henry Higgins), Shel Safir (Col. Pickering), Se Layne (Elize Doolittle) and Glenn Liggett (Alfred Doolittle), all with those tough English accents that just once in a while got a bit “Southern”, but the standout vocal performance for this reviewer was Noah Wahlberg (Freddy Eyinsford-Hill). Watch for this young man as he gets a bit more experience and exposure under his belt. I’d love to see him on Broadway someday. “My Fair Lady” runs thru Mar., 2. Directed, choreographed and costumed by Derik Shopinski w/ fabulous sets by J.W. Layne. Take the whole family. www.palmcanyontheatre.net.
1. Thurs., Jan., 16 w/ Marty Wiviott @ Revolution Stage Company www.revolutionstagecompany.com for their ambitious production of “Spring Awakening”. For a play that has it roots in an 1891 work it is still very relevant for teenagers living anywhere along that time line. Non-stop singing w/ great choreography by Nathan Wilson, the large cast of equally talented actors does a fine job, always aided by RSC’s amazing technology. A sound adjustment for the 2nd act seemed to enrich the experience for the audience. Runs through Jan., 30th.