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cont. “Senior Moment” Segment – November 13, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 2 – cont. “Senior Moment” Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 2

DEMENTIA HELP CENTER w/ Lisa Stanford re: Family Care Consultant w/ a background w/ Alzheimer and Dementia in her family.
– REPORT of her suggestions for the holidays for families w/ Dementia/Alzheimers loved ones .
1. Be honest w/ the people coming about your loved one.
2. Therapudic Tales.  Tell you loved one “little lies” about who is and isn’t there.
3. Control the “meet and greet” when introducing guests to your loved one. Remind them of who they are. Tell a “reminder” story. Look them in the eye.  Give them 10 seconds to answer.
4. Create a “safe space”
– REPORT on the bi-monthly “ THRIVE” support group.  Wednesdays 10 to 11:30 live in the conference room @ 75270 Hwy., 111, Indian Wells.  R.S.V.P. please. Open to clients, family, care-givers.  Also have a ZOOM meeting.  Call for the link.
– (contact info: www.dementiahelpcenter.com and (760) 636-6355).


cont. “Senior Moment” Segment – November 13, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 3 – cont. “Senior Moment” Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 3

FOREST LAWN w/ Larry Davis re: 69855 E. Ramon Rd., Cathedral City, CA. 92234. Indio and Coachella locations also.
– DISCUSSION of his wife, Linda, of 49 plus years passing ONE YEAR AGO on Nov., 12, 2020. REPORT on how he spent the anniversary of her passing.
– REPORT on what pictures to look at and what not to dwell on. How he is adjusting to living alone now and advice for us all.
– DISCUSSION of how he is handling the continued grief and mourning. Suggestions for others to use that might be helpful to some in the same situation.
– DISCUSSION of the impact of grief around the Holiday Season and suggestions for coping.
– REPORT on the “quiet” that a house seems to have after someone passes.  Night and Day issues w/ the loss.  Suggestions on how to cope.
– REPORT on the Candlelight Remembrance Services to be held Dec., 7 @ 7 PM, virtually on their Facebook Page this year.
– (contact info: www.forestlawn.com and (760) 328-3112).


Jewelry Segment – November 13, 2021

11:00 – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 1 – Jewelry Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 1

– REPORT on his background. He’s from Sydney, Australia. Been in America 10 years, Palm Springs 5 years.
– DISCUSSION that he is based in Palm Springs and is working on having a store on Palm Canyon in the next year or so.
– REPORT that it is hard to motivate the artists that create the jewelry. He has a team of 4 in-house creative jewelers. He does many original designs.
– REPORT on the “stone of the month”.  It’s a TOPAZ.
Blue topaz isn’t real topaz, IT’S QUARTZ. Imperial topaz is the BEST.
– REPORT on the most valuable above rubies, diamonds and sapphires
1. Alexandrite
2. Tourmalilne
3. Imperial Topaz.
– DISCUSSION of chocolate diamonds. From Australia.
– REPORT on his “original designs”.
– DISCUSSION of his travels to Europe to buy older European cut stones. The clog in the supply chain for stones now.
– REPORT that zircons are REAL.
– (contact info; (310) 890-0763.


Charity Segment – November 13, 2021

11:00 – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 2 – Charity Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 2

U.C.P.I.E. w/ Greg Wetmore re: President & CEO. 70017 Hwy., 111, Ste.,5.  Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270.
– REPORT on the impact of COVID on United Cerebral Palsy.
– REPORT on the in-home respite care; It’s a state program that they run for the state. Serves 350 in-home FAMILIES AGES 6 TO 66 in the Inland Empire.; 200 RESPITE WORKERS.
– REPORT on after school program needs. Wants to have 20 of these programs eventually. Created ZOOM events to replace the in-person events.
– REPORT on the plans for Holiday drive-thru events.
– DISCUSSION of the origins of Cerebral Palsy. There are several treatments now. Usually caused at birth or even a traffic accident.
– REPORT that they also serve other disabilities.  Mostly children.
– DISCUSSION of the “Tour de Palm Springs” activity w/ Tim Esser’s Charity the 12th of February, 2022.
They raised over $100,000. w/ specially adapted bicycles for children.
– REPORT on the new website.
– (contact info; www.ucpie.org and (760) 272-4260).


Real Estate Segment – November 13, 2021

11:00 – 12:00 PM

Hour 3 Seg 3 – Real Estate Segment

Listen to Hour 3 Seg 3

BRADY SANDAHL REAL ESTATE GROUP/KELLER WILLIAMS LUXURY w/ Brady Sandahl re: 70005 Mirage Cove Dr., Rancho Mirage, CA. 92270. Director of growth for luxury homes for Keller Williams.
– REPORT that the Real Estate Market has been VERY STRONG but it starting to begin to slow down as he predicted.
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group/Keller Williams serves Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells and La Quinta.
– REPORT on the impact of the P.S. Airport has on our real estate, BUT traveling is NOT buying.
– REPORT that the first 3 weeks of Nov., we had only 76 properties that came on the market in P.S.
– REPORT that we have more demand than supply in our real estate folder.  So we don’t have enough product on the “shelf” for buyers to buy.
– REPORT that we are beginning to see price reductions and properties come OFF the market.  Properties “expiring” due to price concerns.
– REPORT that interest rates will start to inch up.
– REPORT that sellers live in THE PAST and buyers live in THE FUTURE.
– REPORT that EVERY time he sells a property 21 people are employed. Helps the CV economy move forward.
– DISCUSSION that if you are going to sell; select someone who KNOWS THE MARKET and KNOWS how to price.  Price your home to SELL, not to KEEP.
– REPORT that also he is the largest real estate group and has so many more resources. His “buyer team” is expert in buyer behavior and knows where they are and what they are willing to pay.)
– REPORT that Brady Sandahl NEEDS LISTINGS. He’s very PRO BUSINESS.
– REPORT that the Brady Sandahl Real Estate Group is #1 in the Coachella Valley and is really good @ knowing where to find buyers from around the world and bring them to the properties here in the Valley.  Very aggressive @ getting the property IN FRONT of the buyer.  A team of 15 persons.
– (contact info: email: brady@nullbradysandahl.com and www.bradysandahl.com and (760) 409-1540).


“Restaurant of the Week” Segment – November 6, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 1 – “Restaurant of the Week” Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 1

RESTAURANT OF THE WEEKw/ Jacky Donnell re: “Elmer’s Restaurant” 1030 E. Palm Cyn. Palm Springs.
– REPORT on lunch w/ the star Cindy Williams @ “Elmer’s”.  The real crab BLT salad, the crab avocado omelette.
– REPORT on the supply chain impact on “Elmer’s”. i.e. bacon, hash brown issues.  EGAD!!!! Mostly truck/workers @ distributor and manufacturer issues.
– REPORT that due to the Supply Chain issues, Thanksgiving hours will be 7 AM to 2 PM.GETTING DIFFICULT TO GET TURKEYS.
– DISCUSSION that “Elmer’s” goes thru 30 turkeys @ Thanksgiving.
– DISCUSSION of the “pecking” order for delivery of turkeys.  Depends on who is contracted to them.
– REPORT that all her employees are back and working and most of the time, she is getting her deliveries.
– REPORT on Thanksgiving Menu; turkey w/ all the trimmings and a slice of pumpkin pie. Perhaps there will be a choice of ham as well. Children’s menu too.
– REPORT that there is no need for reservations. – REPORT that masks are required ANYTIME YOU ENTER THE RESTAURANT.  Can remove the mask to eat indoors, and masks are not needed to dine outdoors.  Proof of vaccine needed to dine indoors, but not outdoors.
– (contact info: www.eatatelmers.com and (760) 327-8419).


Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – November 6, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 2

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Lindsey Valenzuela re: 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Vice President of Population Health and Health Integration.
– REPORT that we are in our 87th week of Pandemic. Are we just “getting started”.  lol
– REPORT on all the booster shots being given @ D.O.H.C.
– REPORT that the approval of the vaccine for children 5 to 11. D.O.H.C. has made the setting “kid friendly”, w/ special bandades, smaller needle sizes, snickers, etc.
– REPORT that the dose is 1/3 the dose of kids 12 and older.  Completely different. Pfiser “kids”.
– REPORT that kids usually get their vaccinations from their pediatricians, but they don’t have the vaccine. Different storage requirements for vaccines now. 30% of new cases have been children and 1/3 end up on a ventilator.
– REPORT that now every Delta variant infected person can infect 5 people, not the 2 we started with.
– REPORT that pharmacys are the number one vaccination sites IN THE COUNTRY. More pharmacys than Starbucks in America.
– DISCUSSION of natural immunity vs. Vaccination immunity.
1. Unvaccinated and had Covid = still 5 times more likely to test positive for Covid.
2. Had Covid and then get vaccinated = higher immunity (hybrid). Greater immunity than one who is only vaccinated or one who only has natural immunity.
– REPORT that vaccination is still the best EVEN if you’ve had Covid.
– REPORT on vaccinated people and their ability to SPREAD w/ a “break-thru” infection of the Delta Variant….these folks CAN STILL TRANSMIT virus to their household if you get a break-thru infection.  Still need to mask, hand wash and social distance.
– REPORT that D.O.H.C.’s WALK-IN clinics are open Mon. – Friday @ P.S. & Indio. D.O.H.C’s ADULT clinic in Yucca Valley is open every Thursday AND KIDS clinic on Tuesday.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet” – November 6, 2021

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Hour 1 Seg 3 – cont. Desert Oasis Health Care Segment. “The Medicine Cabinet”

Listen to Hour 1 Seg 3

D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Lindsey Valenzuela re: 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”. Vice President of Population Health and Health Integration.
– QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals”.
1. Why do some people NOT develop antibodies AFTER they have the disease? (Antibodies are only a part of your immune system. No acceptable level of antibodies that mean you are immune to Covid. There really is NO TEST @ a pharmacy that will give you any clearance to do anything or tell you how well you will fight off an infection.)
2.  Do I have different immune cells for all the things I have had/am vaccinated against? (All different antibodies/immune cells have different shapes.)
– REPORT that this is one type of the Corona Virus, but Corona Virus causes the common cold. ACOG recommends SHOULD GET the vaccine. There are lots of things a pregnant/nursing woman should take.
3. New studies about how long natural immunity will last? (Unvaccinated and had Covid = still 5 times more likely to test positive for Covid and you don’t know how BAD you Covid case might be.)
– REPORT that you CAN GET COVID AGAIN. But because D.O.H.C. is reporting all their findings we know more about this virus than any other in the shortest amount of time.
4. What about risks associated w/ boosters? (No different than the risks when you got the original series of shots).
– REPORT that D.O.H.C.’s clinics are open Mon. – Friday @ P.S. & Indio & Yucca Valley FOR BOTH FLU AND COVID.  By appointment please.  FREE. Go on www.mydohc.com.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


P.S. International Airport Segment – November 6, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 1 – PS International Airport Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 1

PALM SPRINGS INTERNATION (PSP) w/ Daniel Meier re: Deputy Director of Aviation, Marketing & Air Service, Department of Aviation 3400 E. Tahquitz Cyn., Way, Ste., OFC, P.S. 92262.
– REPORT on meeting @ ACT’s FREE Travel Club of the Desert.
– DEFINITION of what “air service” entails.
– REPORT on our new airline AHA!. Air Hotel Adventure. New service from PSP to Reno Tahoe starting on Jan., 3, 2022. $49. fare for a one-way flight. First 100 people to book a flight, get a FREE ticket. www.flyaha.com. Promo code: welcome2psp.  Valid for flights in January. Fly the 145 Regional Jets.
– REPORT that AHA! Will be year-round service. Next summer we will have 15 year-round routes.  We have 35 non-stop routes this season. CV residents want to travel all year long.
– REPORT that there is a new non-stop (on Nov., 17) flight to Nashville from PSP via Allegiant Air, Des Moines, Provo and Indianapolis. Also that week, (Nov., 19) via Alaska Air, they will start two new routes; one to Austin and year-round to San Jose.
– DISCUSSION of some of the issues from American Airlines.
– REPORT of masking/vaccination rules;
1. To come into the PSP airport and to fly, just wear a mask. Check before you fly Internationally.
– (contact info: www.palmspringsca.gov and (760) 318-3806).


“Box Office” Segment – November 6, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Hour 2 Seg 2 – “Box Office” Segment

Listen to Hour 2 Seg 2

THEATER “BOX OFFICE” SEGMENT w/ Tracey Ellis re: CVRep Executive Director.
– REPORT that the Coachella Valley theaters are announcing their seasons and will be reopening w/ wonderful shows. Most will require proof of vaccination and a photo ID.  Check if masks are required before you go to a show.
REPORT ON CVREP www.cvrep.org.
-REPORT ON THE GREEN ROOM THEATRE COMPANY www.greenroomtheatrecompany.org.
Tickets on sale for 2021-2022 Grand Reopening Season.  Begins 12.3 w/ “Hairspray”.
“Hamilton” is up and running.
– REPORT that Broadway is back after more than a year!!!. More than a dozen theaters are starting to sell tickets.  Summer should see all of the theatres open. Most are requiring masks and proof of vaccination. Shows: “Six”; “Dear Evan Hansen”; “Ain’t Too Proud, the Life & Times of the Temptations”; “Diana”. Plug for A.C.T.’s New York Broadway Show Tour.  Details @ www.act-tours.com and (760) 322-1247.
– (contact info: email: tessex@nullcvep.org and (760) 861-1006).


Rest in Peace
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