Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Palm Springs Air Museum and Act for MS Segment – February 5, 2025

8:00 – 9:00 AM

Seg 3 – Palm Springs Air Museum and Act for MS Segment


Listen to Seg 3

PALM SPRINGS AIR MUSEUM; w/ Ann Greer ; 745 N. Gene Autry Trail, Palm Springs, CA. 92262
– ANNOUNCEMENT that the Museum now has the typewriter from the Missouri that was used to type the surrender papers – all in Japanese.
1. Feb., 8; 5 – 10:30 PM. P.S. Air Museum Gala 2025.
2. Feb., 9; 11 AM – 12 PM “Under the Cowling” featuring 2 World War II DFC Pilots.
3. Feb., 15; 10 AM – 12 PM “Open Cockpit”; P-47 Thunderbolt.
4. Feb., 14; 1 PM – 2 PM “Bloody Iwo Jima; Iconic Battle of WWII’S Pacific Theater by Ed Gordon.
5. Feb., 22; 10 AM – 12 PM “Open Cockpit”: F4F/FM-2 Wildcat.
6. Feb., 22; 10 AM – 5 PM Indian Wells Resident Day.
7. Feb., 22; 1 PM – 2 PM “Before the Tuskegee Airmen, Came the National Airmen Assoc. of America”
8. Mar., 1; 10 AM – 12 PM “Open Cockpit”; SBD Dauntless

ACT FOR MS w/ Ann Greer re; 73710 Fred Waring Dr., Ste., 118, Palm Desert, 92260.
– DEFINITION of MS. It interrupts the communication from the brain to the muscle down thru the spinal cord. Causes issues with;
1. eyes
2. spasms
3. affects everyone differently
4. lesions on the spinal cord.
– DISCUSSION of what clients really need that ACT FOR MS pays for;
1. Exercise.
2. Strength training.
3. Things that help the quality of life NOW.
4. Individual attention.
– REPORT on what people can do to help;
1. Donate.
2. Volunteer.
– REPORT on the wonderful Foundations that support Act For MS.
1. Mon. Feb., 17; Golf Tournament @ Palm Valley Country Club; 10 AM open for continental breakfast; Shotgun Scramble @ 12 Noon; Golf; Then Social Hour; Then Buffet Dinner; Entertainment by John Stanley King; Silent and Live Auction. $125. Dinner only. $275. Golf and dinner.
– (contact info; www.actforms.org and (760 325-3214).


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