Red-Jeep Tours Segment – February 4, 2025
8:00 – 9:00 AM
Seg 3 – Red-Jeep Tours Segment
RED JEEP TOURS “MOUNTAINS OF FUN” w/ Rick Curtiss re; 74-794 Lennon Pl., Ste., B. Palm Desert.
– REPORT that Red-Jeep Tours is in it’s 36th year.
– REPORT that they provide blankets if it’s cold!! Open air jeeps.
– DISCUSSION of what the Tours really are. Not crazy 4 wheeling type.
– REPORT that the most popular tour is the San Andreas Fault Tour.
– DISCRIPTION of the Painted Canyon Tour. Covers valley agriculture. FYI we produce the most artichokes, and ship them to Detroit. We have 2 agriculture seasons, winter and summer.
– DESCRIPTION that the Jeeps have canvas tops that need to be OFF to see better.
– REPORT that all tours are up and running; 3-hour tours; not including travel time.
1. Indian Canyons
2. Joshua Tree
3. San Andreas Fault @ 8 AM and 1 PM, 7 days a week. The #1 Tour they present.
4. Painted Canyon Jeep Tour
– DISCUSSION that we usually have 44 days in the summer over 110 degrees and our record was 66 days over 110 degrees BUT this year we had 83 days OVER 110 DEGREES.
– DISCUSSION that there are fewer animals to be seen after the hot summer. Lots of ravens.
– REMINDER that “beer” will keep snails out of your garden.
– REPORT that this summer heat was really hard, EVEN ON THE DESERT PLANTS that belong here.
– DETAILED REPORT on the San Andreas Fault Tour. Order of what you see on the tour;
1. Fault line
2. Oasis
3. Re-created Cahuilla Indian Village
4. Canyons, in Indio Hills and you’ll walk a bit. i.e. “SLOT” CANYON.
– REPORT that Red-Jeep Tours is #1 on Tripvision.
– REPORT that there are 5 Canyons; Palm, Andreas, Murray, Chino and Tahquitz REPORT on the 3 ways the plates move. 1. Subduction zone. 2. Plate spreading. 3. Strike/slip.
– (contact info; and (760 324-5337).
