Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – January 20, 2025

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 3 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment


Listen to Seg 3

cont. D.O.H.C. w/ Sarah Tripp Mgr. Of the Health Education Department. A registered dietician re:
275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”.
– cont. QUESTIONS IN THE MEDICINE CABINET from; Dr. Lindsey, Dr. Brian, the news, Internet and Joey Pals in the “Medicine Cabinet”.
4. Why do young men’s voices change? (Age-related hormonal changes as a young man goes thru puberty around the age of 13. Hormonal changes actually do occur all through our lives. The voice-box experiences changes. Wonder if voices change as we get older too. Always check for other medical conditions.)
5. Is the Bird Flu back? (Actually, stores are having trouble getting eggs. The Bird Flu is usually for WILD birds, but can transfer to domestic birds, i.e. chickens. Can potentially “jump” to humans. CDC says it probably will not be contagious for we humans UNLESS YOU WORK IN THE EGG INDUSTRY perhaps. DF. Amino acids in eggs are the building blocks for protein. Egg whites are beneficial if someone is watching their cholesterol. Yokes have good nutrition that the whites DO NOT HAVE.)
6. What is good about a genetically modified pig kidney for humans? (New, perhaps even less than a year old. Recipient must take anti-rejection drugs the rest of your life if you get one. DISCUSSION. of the genetic similarity between humans and pigs. Exciting new frontier in transplants. There is such a need for new kidneys. DISCUSSION of what other porcine parts are used in human surgeries.)
– REPORT on the D.O.H.C. FREE Drive Thru Flu Clinics Hours and Locations.
– PALM SPRINGS: 275 N. El Cielo. Mon.-Fri., 9/4 – 10/31; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– BERMUDA DUNES: 41120 Washington St. Mon.-Fri., 9/2 – 10/31; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– INDIO; 81880 Dr. Correon Blvd. Mon.-Fri., 9/4 – 9/27; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– YUCCA VALLEY IMMEDIATE CARE: 57-840 29 Palms Highway. Mon.-Fri., 9/4 – 9/27; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– REMINDER that you can get both shots in one drive-thru.
“Hello, hello; It’s Joey English. This D.O.H.C. Minute features the audio from a wonderful Wellness video that can be found on www.mydohc.com. Lots of good information to be enjoyed too. So, roll the audio”
The Subject this month is S.A.D.
– (contact info: www.mydohc.com and (760) 969-6555).


Rest in Peace
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