Wear Red and Eat Chocolate!

Bilhartz Desert Insurance Segment – October 22, 2024

3:00 – 4:00 PM

Seg 2 – Bilhartz Desert Insurance Segment


Listen to Seg 2

BILHARTZ DESERT INSURANCE w/ Brian Bilhartz. 41865 Boardwalk; Ste., 108, Palm Dessert. 92211.
– QUESTIONS from “Joey Pals”
1. Why are all the ads on TV about calling to see if you are entitled to more services than you think you have. i.e. Medicare and Medical.
– REPORT on Medigap gives you freedom to choose providers anywhere in the country.
– MEDICARE PART D – the most utilized component of your Medicare because you take your medications EVERY DAY.
- REPORT on Part C which is Medicare Advantage. You have to pick a primary care doctor associated w/ someone such as D.O.H.C.
– REPORT on the big changes for Medicare Part D coming in 2025, especially in the “donut hole”. Possible limit of $2,000. for out-of-pocket costs. Affects the formulary going forward. 33% of personal costs will go up to 50% next year.
– REPORT on Medicare Part D. For drugs. Most Medicare Advantage Plans have this. Medicare is going to put a cap in 2025 on the out-of-pocket maximum of $2000. for Part D. GREAT.
1. Agents are beginning to prepare for 2025. (Begins in June. AHIP Certification that is a special requirement for a licensed insurance agent to have a conversation about Medicare part C or D. and an agent must get this EVERY YEAR.)
2. Change to Medicare Part D, which is your prescription drugs. You can get this one of 2 ways;
a. GOOD NEWS; Putting an “out of pocket” maximum on Part D. $2,000. Max. This will automatically change, established by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services).
b. Part of Medicare Advantage.
– REPORT that all costs WILL INCREASE for most other folks. Watch the changes in drug costs, deductibles and co-payments.
– REPORT that is BAD NEWS is that there will be shrinking Formularies. (the list of medications that Medicare covers)
– REPORT that Brian will serve his clients in their home, in his office, on the phone. He has all the special classification to do all of this.
– (contact info; www.bilhartzinsurance.com and (760) 459-9617).


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