Desert Oasis Health Care Segment – September 30, 2024
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Seg 2 – Desert Oasis Health Care Segment
D.O.H.C. w/ Dr. Brian Hodgkins re: Executive V.P. of Clinical Operations @ D.O.H.C.; 275 El Cielo Rd., Palm Springs, 92262. “Your Health, Your Life, Our Passion”.
– BRIAN IS A JOEY ENGLISH SHOW “CONTRIBUTOR” REPORTING LIVE from the Classic Club the Health Conference. Notable speakers from across CA. Learning how to provide even better health care for Seniors during the upcoming Open Enrollment period Oct., 15 thru Dec., 7. Find out the best way to get coverage and care. Costs will be going up. Check w/ Brian Bilhartz, a Joey Pal @
– QUESTIONS IN THE MEDICINE CABINET from; Dr. Lindsey, Dr. Brian, the news, Internet and Joey Pals in the “Medicine Cabinet”.
1. How long is Strep throat contagious? (Yes. Easy to test. Is a bacteria. Easy to pick up. Can be spread easily. Doesn’t last long. You need antibiotics. After you start treatment you are not as contagious. Bad consequences if you don’t treat it.)
– DISCUSSION of sneezes. Sneezes caused by changes in temperatures, etc.
2. What is bloating? (Usually a tightness in your belly. Can recure. Can be painful. Can be caused by gas in the intestine, or by swallowing air. Can be caused by lots of things. Can be cyclical. Easily treated w/ OTC things. Both men and women are affected. Should not last too long.)
3. What is a wart? (Normal and ALL traceable to various types of HPV. Has nothing to do w/ frogs. All different kinds of warts. Butcher are @ higher risk because they work w/ cold meat. Actually, called a “butcher’s wart”. Can be painful. Might need surgical removal. Most go away on their own. Can spread. i.e. genital warts. Can take a couple of years. OTC treatments available.)
4. How is food poisoning different from flu or covid? (Even though symptoms start are similar. Covid and flu have a different onset. Food poisoning can come on within an hour. W/ food poisoning the body tries to “rid” you of the bad stuff as quickly as possible, hence the quick diarrhea).
5. What is Niemann-Pick Disease? (Very complicated. Inherited disease. Both parents MUST have it. Can build up fat in your cells. Affects brain, nerves., liver, spleen, etc. FATAL IN MOST CASES. 3 types. As a child there can be lose of hearing, trouble walking, etc. Treatments available but not curable.)
– REPORT on the D.O.H.C. FREE Drive Thru Flu Clinics Hours and Locations.
– PALM SPRINGS: 275 N. El Cielo. Mon.-Fri., 9/4 – 10/31; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– BERMUDA DUNES: 41120 Washington St. Mon.-Fri., 9/2 – 10/31; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– INDIO; 81880 Dr. Correon Blvd. Mon.-Fri., 9/4 – 9/27; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– YUCCA VALLEY IMMEDIATE CARE: 57-840 29 Palms Highway. Mon.-Fri., 9/4 – 9/27; 8:30 AM – 4 PM; 2 years and older.
– REMINDER that you can get both shots in one drive-thru.
– (contact info: and (760) 969-6555).

Dr. Brian