June Appearances 2024
#10. CVRep’s Summer Series presented a lovely program 6.26.24 in Philip Chaffin’s “Will He Like Me”. Cleverly done entirely in music, no spoken words until the “thank you’s” @ the end. Chaffin has a strong vocal instrument and the stories were woven together by an incredible selection of songs, many familiar and some not so well-know, but all usually performed by women. Clever, entertaining and paced beautifully. Get’s a perfect rating of Joey’s 5 chocolate kisses!!! Another great selection by Adam Karstens. www.cvrep.org.
#9. R.I.P. Donald Sutherland 7.17.35 – 6.20.24
#8. June 19 – Happy Birthday Gena Rowlands. Forever beautiful.
#7. Wed., June 19 – Leslie Tinnaro @ CVRep. 4 out of 5 chocolate kisses. Kudos to Adam Karstens for another lovely selection. www.cvrep.org.
#6. R.I.P. Willie Mays. 5.6.31 – 6.18.24. A “GIANT” in so many ways.
#5. Happy Birthday Barry Manilow. Thanks for the music and giving it to us.